*This genealogy is a compilation of the research of
myself, Harry Standefer, Robert A. Standifer, Becky Hendon,
Richard and Heidi Miller, The House of Forrester
and many others.
Your comments, corrections and/or additions will be gratefully received.
Benjamin was the son of Israel and
Cassandra Anderson Standiford.
Their genealogy can be found here.
Generation No. 1
1. BENJAMIN4 STANDIFER (ISRAEL3 STANDIFORD, JOHN2, WILLIAM1) was born May 17, 1764 in Baltimore Co, MD, and died March 18, 1839 in Mansion House, Bledsoe County, TN. He m. (1) RACHEL FORREST/FORRESTER August 14, 1781 in Orange Co, NC. She was born Abt. 1764 in NC, and died August 1803 in Oglethorpe Co, GA. He married (2) NANCY JONES ECHOLS December 29, 1802 in Oglethorpe Co, GA, daughter of THOMAS JONES and MARY. She was born 1782 in SC, and died February 28, 1864 in Hamilton Co, TN.
BIRTH-DEATH: Abstracts of Rev. War Pension Files; p. 3291
MARRIAGE 1: Orange County, NC Marriage Records.
MARRIAGE 2: Maddox and Carter; 40,000 Early Georgia Marriages; p. 256
*In the book "Soldiers of American Revolution Buried in Tennessee", by Lucy Bates (1974), Benjamin's birth date is given as May 17, 1754. However, Benjamin himself, gives his age and birth date, in application for a Rev. pension.
NSDAR; DAR Patriot Index; 1966; p. 641 Ordnance Sgt NC
Benjamin enlisted for service in the American Revolution in 1780 under Capt. Douglas and Col. Dudley in Orange Co, N. C. He volunteered again under Capt. Abraham Allen and Col. Mebrane and was in the Battle of Lincoln's Mill. He also served under Capt. Grisham. Revolutionary War records are important to this genealogy and you can view them here.
here to view pension application and other Revolutionary War documents.
Another important legal
document is that of deceased son, Baily Standifers
War of 1812 court record. This document gives Baily's living siblings
as of 1815.
Sometime after the revolution he joined a wagon train and moved to Oglethorpe Co, GA and settled in Cloud's Creek Community. Two of his sisters, Cassandra Standifer Hendon, and Elizabeth Standifer Hendon made the move with him. In 1788, 25 of the group organized a Baptist congregation, the Cloud's Creek Baptist Church. Their first meeting place was in an old abandoned fort. Later they built a log church house and several years later built a frame building. After 200 years the church building is still being used by an active group. In fact the church is in the process of erecting a memorial and plaque to honor the early founders.
You must
check out Georgia Church Records!
*Cloud Creek Church records show that Rachel died August 1803. Benjamin was dismissed from that church on February 11, 1804. The church was established on September 20, 1788 in Wilkes Co., GA (now Oglethorpe Co, GA) and Benjamin and Rachel were charter members.
Soon after the death of Rachel, Benjamin met Nancy Jones Echols. Harry Standefer gives a romantic account story of Nancy following Benjamin to Georgia. Here is his account, and even though some researchers believe it to be untrue, I am giving it anyway:
'While in Tennessee, Benjamin met a young widow, Nancy Jones Echols, whose husband had died a year before in a smallpox epidemic. They became engaged and Benjamin returned to Georgia to dispose of his property in a plan to return to Tennessee and marry Mrs. Echols. Benjamin had accumulated a sizeable acreage of land and slaves and since there were millions of acres of land to have for almost nothing, Benjamin found it difficult to dispose of his holdings. Time was wasting back in Tennessee for Nancy Jones Echols. Communication was practically non-existent and Nancy grew anxious and apprehensive. She prepared a bed roll, packed some rations, saddled a horse and started out and wind her way through the forests and Indian infested mountains, determined to find Benjamin in Oglethorpe County, Georgia. She was successful and they were married December 28, 1802. This was Pioneer Romance." In Georgia, Benjamin accumulated 2,500 acres of land and 60 slaves. He had a very difficult time in selling his land as many land grants were being given at that time.
It is believed that Nancy Jones Echols is the sister of Jemima Jones Standifer, and daughter of Thomas and Mary Jones. In Marion Co, TN records we find that Mary Jones of Bledsoe Co, TN gave her daughter, Jemima Standifer, wife of William, a slave named Becky in 1824. Becky is named in William's will in 1826. Mary Jones appears frequently in Bledsoe Co, TN court records. In 1817 she sold to Amos Griffith a Negro boy for $300. In 1825 she purchased land from James Standifer and turned around and sold the same land to Joseph Jones. Mary Jones does not appear in the 1830 census of Bledsoe Co, TN
According to Robert A. Standifer, some time after the death of her mother, Benjamin and Nancy moved to Bledsoe Co, TN. Apparently much of the land that Benjamin and Nancy owned in Bledsoe Co was inherited or bought from her mother, Mary Jones. On August 15, 1832 in Bledsoe Co, he applied for a Revolutionary War pension. He died there May 5, 1839 and is said to be buried in an unmarked grave near Pikeville. His widow, Nancy Echols Standifer applied for a widow's pension in Hamilton Co, TN on 5 May 1853.
From Pension Records, BK E Vol. 7 P 61 Revolutionary Claim June 7, 1832. E. Tenn. Dept of General Services, Washington, DC.
"Benjamin Standifer was born in Baltimore County, MD went with his father Israel Standifer to Orange County, NC where he served in the Revolutionary War, Orange County, North Carolina show that he married Rachael Forrest August 14, 1781. The pension record of his widow proves that he married Nancy Jones Echols in Oglethorpe County, GA December 19, 1802. He died in Bledsoe County, TN, March 13, 1839.
Benjamin appears on the 1800 tax list of Oglethorpe County, GA with a wife and 8 children: 5 sons from 3-10; 2 sons between 10-16 and one daughter under 10.
1830 Census Bledsoe Co, TN: Benjamin Standifer 000200001-0011001, p. 283
Harry Standefer lists an Archibald Standiford as the eldest son of Benjamin and Rachel Forrest Standiford: "We have no information on his marital status. He was the eldest of five children of Rachel and Benjamin and was a Disciples of Christ minister." No proof of this has been found to date.
Benjamin was born May 17, 1764. He joined the Rev. at age 16, in 1780. He received pay vouchers in 1783.
Church records show that Rachel died August 1803. However, Benjamin's marriage to Nancy Jones Echols has been documented by pension records, and that marriage took place December 29, 1802.
Rachel's parents are unknown.
According to Harry Standefer, Nancy's marriage to Benjamin was her second marriage. He reports that her husband, Echols, had died in a smallpox epidemic a year before she married Benjamin.
Interestingly, we find no mention of Benjamin's children by Rachael Forrester in Nancy Standifer's pension file.
We find Nancy living with her daughter Synthia in Hamilton Co., TN in 1850.
1850: 999/555: Nancy Standefer, age 68, b. SC; Synthia, age 32, f, b. SC
Nancy probably moved to Hamilton Co to live with her son Leroy. She died there February 28, 1864 and is buried in the Standifer Family Cemetery, Standifer Gap, Chattanooga, TN.
According to census records, they had eight children. Only four are accounted for here.
i. ARCHIBALD5 STANDIFORD, b. 1783, Baltimore County, Maryland.
Unproven son.2. ii. ANDERSON STANDIFER, b. August 1784, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. Abt. 1821, Union Hill, Kankakee Co (American Bottoms), IL.
iii. BAILEY STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1786, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. Abt. 1815, Elbert Co., GA; m. BETSEY HALE, April 23, 1810, Elbert Co, GA.
Christensen, Katheren, comp; Arkansas Military Bounty Grants (War of 1812). Pub. Arkansas Ancestors; 1971; p. 153; Prairie County: Warrant Number 25,675; date 1825. "Benj. Standifer, father and other heirs at law of Bailey Standifer, decd."
Interestingly, in 1825, Bailey Standiford applied for government land in Prairie county, AR for Benjamin Standiford; Sec. 31, Twp 1S, Range 5W; 160 acres; date: January 10, 1825, according to AR Land Records.
Click here to view Bailey Standifords verification of 1812 mililtary service. Brothers and sisters are listed here.
3. iv. ISRAEL STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1797, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. AL.
Click here to view Israel Standifer's Lineage!
v. TILMAN STANDIFORD, m. FRANCES H. HAMPTON, September 13, 1838, Madison Co., AL.
Bailey Standiford's 1812 War Record gives proves Tilman is the son of Benjamin. Tilman is living in Madison County, GA in 1840.
vii. NANCY "POLLY"5 STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1802, Oglethorpe Co, GA; m. SAMUEL BRUTON, Abt. 1820.
BIRTH-MARRIAGE: FHL film # 1035529; the House of Forrester.
They moved to Franklin Co, AL.viii. JOSHUA STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1803, Oglethorpe Co, GA.
Bailey's 1812 application gives proof to who Joshua is.4. ix. SARAH "SALLY" STANDIFER, b. 1806, Georgia; d. Aft. 1880, Logan County, AR.
5. x. MILDRED "MILLY" STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1810, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. 1880, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
6. xi. LEE ROY STANDIFER, b. July 02, 1812, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. November 17, 1891, Hamilton Co, TN.
xii. SINTHIA STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1814, Oglethorpe Co, GA; d. Bef. 1864, Hamilton Co., TN.
We find Sinthia living with her mother in Hamilton Co., TN in 1850.
1850 Census: 999/555: Nancy Standefer, age 68, b. SC; Synthia, age 32, f, b. SCGeneration No. 2
2. ANDERSON5 STANDIFER (BENJAMIN4 STANDIFER, ISRAEL3 STANDIFORD, JOHN2, WILLIAM1) was born August 1784 in Oglethorpe Co, GA, and died Abt. 1821 in Union Hill, Kankakee Co (American Bottoms), IL. He married ELIZABETH JAMES April 12, 1809 in Elbert Co, GA. She was born 1794 in AL/GA, and died Aft. 1838 in Bastrop Co, TX.
Click here to
view Andersons lineage
3. ISRAEL5 STANDIFER (BENJAMIN4 STANDIFER, ISRAEL3 STANDIFORD, JOHN2, WILLIAM1) was born Abt. 1797 in Oglethorpe Co, GA, and died in AL. He married MARY (MNU) Abt. 1831. She was born Abt. 1805 in GA, and died Aft. 1880 in AL.
CENSUS: 1850 Shelby Co, AL; #234 (See AL Census Records).
Children of ISRAEL STANDIFER and MARY MNU are:
ii. FRANCES STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1835, GA.
iii. JOEL D. STANDIFER, b. December 25, 1838, AL; d. March 28, 1904, Irondale, Jefferson Co, AL; m. MARTHA JANE HAMILTON, August 10, 1856, AL; She was born January 14, 1841, Shelby Co, AL and died in 1916, Mt. Hebron, Leeds, Jefferson Co, AL.
CENSUS: 1860 Shelby Co, AL; # 448
CENSUS: 1870 Baker/Chilton Co, AL; # 112iv. CYNTHIA STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1839, AL.
v. MARGARET STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1843, AL.
vi. HUBBARD S. STANDIFER, b. Abt. 1846, AL.
vii. JOHN BENJAMIN STANDIFER, b. January 1850, Shelby Co, AL; m. ZENOBIA BEASLEY, December 24, 1876, Barbour Co, AL.
MARRIAGE: Barbour Co., AL Marriage Records.
4. SARAH "SALLY"5 STANDIFER (BENJAMIN4 STANDIFER, ISRAEL3 STANDIFORD, JOHN2, WILLIAM1) was born 1806 in Georgia, and died Aft. 1880 in Logan County, AR. She married NATHAN HOWARD Abt. 1826 in Silverdale, Hamilton Co., TN, son of REZIN HOWARD and DICEY WALKER.
From: Harry Standefer, 1989: Sarah Standifer married Nathan Howard in Silverdale, Hamilton
Co., TN.
HOWARD NATHAN M 4 7N 24W 78.64 1860/03/01
This family can be found on the 1880 Logan Co., AR Federal census.
i. W. B.6 HOWARD, b. Abt. 1827; m. DELILAH E. UNKNOWN.
ii. NANCY HOWARD, b. Abt. 1830.
iii. NATHAN MONROE HOWARD, b. January 17, 1832, Hamilton County, TN; d. September 14, 1911, Subiaco, Logan Co., AR.
iv. LEROY HOWARD, b. May 01, 1834, Bledsoe County, TN; d. June 22, 1914, Tyners Station, Hamilton Co., TN.
v. GEORGE W. HOWARD, b. May 1836, Hamilton County, TN; d. Aft. 1900, Varnell, Whitfield Co., GA. or possibly in Silverdale, Hamilton Co., TN. George had at least one son, Larkin Howard. *Contributed by Ina Howard Willingham.
vi. DICEY HOWARD, b. Abt. 1838, Hamilton County, TN; d. Aft. 1920, Ellsworth, Logan Co., AR; b. Howard Cemetery, Subiaco, Logan Co., AR; m. WILLIAM HANEY.
vii. REZIN HOWARD, b. Abt. 1840, Hamilton County, TN.
viii. ALBERT HOWARD, b. Abt. 1844, NC; m. MARTHA C. UNKNOWN.
5. MILDRED "MILLY"5 STANDIFER (BENJAMIN4 STANDIFER, ISRAEL3 STANDIFORD, JOHN2, WILLIAM1) was born Abt. 1810 in Oglethorpe Co, GA, and died 1880 in Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN. She married WILLIAM CHIPMAN 1833 in TN, son of JAMES CHIPAMN and ELIZABETH. He was born 1814 in Tennessee, and died 1874 in Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
BIRTH: Standefer, Harry; Standefer, Standifer, Standiford; A Family History and Genealogy; c 1989; p. 29
* Info. Re. descendants submitted by Richard and Heidi Miller.
i. NANCY6 CHIPMAN, b. July 1834, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; m. JAMES M. CANNON, April 03, 1852, Jackson, Madison Co, TN; b. May 1830, Tennessee.
ii. ELIZABETH J. CHIPMAN, b. 1836, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; m. WILEY SASSER, May 13, 1858, Jackson, Madison Co, TN; b. 1830, NC.
iii. GEORGE CHIPMAN, b. 1838, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; m. MARY MANNING, September 07, 1862, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; b. 1844, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
iv. WILLIAM RILEY CHIPMAN, b. 1842, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; m. ANGELINE MANNING, July 04, 1867, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; b. January 26, 1849, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; d. November 1918, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
v. THOMAS JEFFERSON CHIPMAN, b. November 01, 1846, Jackson, Madison Co., IN; d. June 14, 1930, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; m. NANCY TENNESEE MANNING, September 19, 1867, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; b. 1852, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; d. 1941, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
vi. MARY ANN CHIPMAN, b. November 04, 1849, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; d. August 18, 1889, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; m. WILLIAM E. MILLER, October 06, 1867, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., INN; b. January 17, 1847, Shelby Co., TN; d. May 10, 1884, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
vii. JOSEPH H. CHIPMAN, b. 1852, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; d. 1886, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; m. (1) SARAH A. MILLER, August 31, 1873, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; b. 1849, Shelby Co., TN; d. 1880, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; m. (2) ADDIE O'STEEN, June 29, 1881, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., TN.
viii. CYNTHIA DOVE CHIPMAN, b. 1856, Jackson, Madison Co., TN; m. JESSEE WOODARD, January 01, 1878, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
ix. BENJAMIN FATE CHIPMAN, b. May 10, 1858, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; d. April 16, 1939, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; m. ANNA SHOEMAKE, July 17, 1879, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; b. January 25, 1865, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN; d. August 10, 1927, Ripley, Lauderdale Co., IN.
WILLIAM1) was born July 02, 1812 in Oglethorpe Co, GA, and died
November 17, 1891 in Hamilton Co, TN.
here for the lineage of LeRoy Standifer
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