War Records for Benjamin Standifer
Slow to load but worth it!
(Taken from the DAR Records on file in Washington, DC)
Requested and received from the General Services Administration -
The National Archives and Records Service on July 28, 1969
There are several pages of important documents regarding Benjamin Standifer, his family, his moves and his military service.
We will begin with Benjamin's military history---in his own words.
This court petition was certified by Congressman James Israel Standifer, his first cousin
once removed.
Each page is translated to the best of my ability.
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State of Tennessee Bledsoe County On this fifteenth day of August in the year 1832 personally appeared in open court before the worshipful jurors of the County Court of Bledsoe county aforesaid now sitting Benjamin Standifer a resident of said county and State, aged sixty-eight years, who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make this following declaration in order to ___true the benefit of the Act of Congress passed June 7, 1802---That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated, that at the age of sixteen years and in the month of May, (the precise year he does not recollect, but by adding sixteen years the time he entered the service to 1764, the year in which he was born, will make 1780), he entered the service as a volunteer under Captain Douglas who was under Colonel Dudley in Orange County in the state of North Carolina, for three months, that he marched from Orange county through the counties of Caswell, Rowarn, Chatham and Guilford in the same State and was then discharged after serving three months as an orderly Sergeant---in a few days after the exploration of the aforesaid time he volunteered again and entered the service for three months under Captain Abraham Allen who was commanded by Colonel Maybrane, under the command of Brigadier General Butler. He was marched through Hillsbrorough North Carolina, then across Haw river to Lindley's Mill where he was in an engagement with the Tories under the command of Colonel O'Neal who was killed. This engagement he thinks was in the month of August after he first entered the service from Lindley's Mill he marched down to a place called Cross Creek where the Tories had taken refuge in the swamps, where he was again discharged after serving three months as orderly sergeant---Shortly after the last aforesaid time, he again volunteered and entered the service under Capt. Davis Grisham for the term of twelve months that during this time he performed--short tour of service, not being required by his Capt. to be ___long at any one time but to be always..... |
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..in readiness to march on a moments warning to oppose the
outrages of the Tories upon the Whigs and their families...He has no doubt but that he was
in actual service under Captain Grisham six months---During the whole of his service he
served as a mounted rifleman and was an orderly Sergeant the first six months of his
service.-- He has no documentation evidence of his service, nor does he know of any person whose testimony he can procure who can testify to his service. He further states that he was born in the state of Maryland on the 17th day of May 1764. He lived in Orange County in the state of North Carolina where he entered the service from which he moved to the State of Georgia where he resided about twenty five years when he moved to Bledsoe County Tennessee where he has lived something over five years---He has stated the names of his officers as far as he can recollect and the general circumstances of his service---He never received a discharge, not believing it would be of any benefit to him. He states that he is known in his present neighborhood by John Patton, and George Walker clergyman, Jesse Walker a justice of the peace for Bledsoe County, and William Walker a respectable farmer of said county, and others but he thinks it unnecessary to extend the list----He hereby relinquishing his every claim whatsoever to a pension or annuity except the present and declares that his name is not on the pension roll of the Agency of any state---- Sworn to and subscribed the day and year aforesaid--- This claimant further states that in the engagement at Lindley's Mill, Colo. Littrell and Major Nolls were killed by the Tories---That he has no record of his age but from the statement of his parents he believes he is as old as he has states. Benjamin (his "X" mark) Standifer.