Will of Merit Bland
Mecklenburg County, VA
County, VA - Will Book #1, pg 154
(*Contributed by Nancy Jankowski)
This Will is important
because it establishes Sandefur relationships.
Merit Bland's wife was Sarah
Sandefur, daughter of John Sandefur.
Last Will and Testament of Merit Bland Bland, Merit Will dated March 2, 1773; recorded May 10, 1773. Item I. I lend unto my dear and loving wife, Sarah Bland the house and lands whereon I now live with all convenances theron during her life, likewise my will and desire is that Ann Russell (common law wife of Robert Sandefur, deceased of Elizabeth City, Virginia) shall live on my land during her life with peaceable possession and not to be interrupted. Item 2. I give my shotgun to my son John and my desire is that Ann Russell shall be paid twelve pounds out of my estate it being sum I received of her and in case their shall should not be enough of my moveable estate to satisfy her my will and desire is that when my land is sold the above mentioned twelve pounds shall be taken out of the price of the land and to paid unto Thomas Russell, son to Ann Russell. Item 3. My will and desire is that after the decease of my wife Sarah Bland and Ann Russell that my land and estate shall be sold and publick sale and the money be equally divided between all my children, Martha, Samuel, John, & Elizabeth and if any of my children should die before they come of age that their part or parts should be equally divided amongst the rest of my surviving children. I do hereby appoint my wife executrix and my son Samuel executor and William Sandefur extl. to see my last will fulled, in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand & seal this second day of March 1773. TEST; James Sandefur, Richard Ross and Edward Walton Mecklenburg County, Virginia |
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