Dorchester County, Maryland
* Note: The Gregorian Calendar was not adopted until after September 14, 1752.
(Early Wills mentioning our surnames are listed here also).
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B.
Henry; Vol. IV Wills from 1713-1720;
To grandsons Alexander and William Wall and their heirs, residue of "Herriford" and land called "Slow" equally between them; for want of issue in said grandsons to pass to rightful heirs. To son-in-law John Standford, Jr., 108 A "Mount Silley" during life; after his decease to granddaughter Margaret Standford and heirs; she lacking issue to lawful heirs of John Standford, afsd. To Alexander Wall, exe., residue of personalty. Test: AV. Smith, Phil Tedman, Thomas Cook, John Kirke. (14, 325)
From First
Dorchester Families, by Calvin W. Mowbray,1990; p. 99
William Merchant came to Maryland from Virginia as a servant for Thomas Skinner. He married Mary (last name unknown). William and Mary had at least two children: William Merchant II and Elinor. After William I died, his widow, Mary married a man named Stoker. William Merchant II made a will dated January 11, 1711, which was probated September 23, 1717 (Wills 14, 325) and in it he named his son, Joseph; daughter Mary Wall and her husband Alexander Wall and their children: Alexander Wall, William Wall and Thomas Wall. He also named his son-in-law, John Standford, JR and granddaughter, Margaret Standford.
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B.
Henry; Vol. IV Wills from 1713-1720;
p. 125: Mary Stanford, Dorchester County; Written April 15, 1717; Prob.
November 13, 1717. (14, 452) Click here.
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B.
Henry; Vol. V Wills from 1720-1726;
To son Andrew and heirs, 100A "Salsbury Charge" at age of 21. Said Andrew to provide for his sister Sarah should she continue in present condition; should son Andrew not choose to make such provisions for his sister Sarah, she may select some honest neighbor, who is empowered to make use of 1/2 of afsd 100 A for benefit of daughter Sarah afsd. To daughter Sarah, should she recover and marry a man of industry, the 20 A out of afsd track. To Rachel Stanford, 68 A part of "Salisbury's Charge" (running to head of branch below Thomas Sommers plantation, and including all land between Sommers and Blackwater R.) during life, at her decease to Rachel and Elizabeth, daughters of Dorrington Fisher (the former owner of said land) sd. Rachel and Elizabeth Fisher dying without issue sd land to heirs of Rachel Stanford, afsd. To Thomas Sumers and heirs, 16 A above Sumers Branch. To wife, Mary, extx., use of real estate until son Andrew arrives at age of 21; personalty during her life. Test. Thomas Howell, William Standford, J. Fattet (16, 32)
the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B. Henry; Vol. VI
Wills from 1726-1732;
Test: James Sloan (Slone), Jane Sloan, Elizabeth Helsby, Mark Fisher. |
Court Abstracts (1731-1737) by V. Skinner, p. 94
Richard Pritchard, June 10, 1735 Surieties: John Eccleston, Walter Stephance List of debts: William Whyland, John Jones, Zebulon Pritchet, John Foord, George Drury, widow Grimes, Andrew Smith, Patrick Convan, George North, John Salisbury, Noah Penson, Jos. Muchard, Jacob Lockerman, Elisabeth Treego, James Mooney, William Arnett. Payments to: David Rodgers on judgement against Elisabeth White and Eliinor White (executrices of Thomas White (surety for estate of said Rodgers) left ot arbitriment of Charles Goldsborough & Henry Trippe, Samuel Standferd (one of the orphans of John Standferd (dead) paid to his guardian Charles Standford, Capt. Bartholomuew Ennalls. Mentions: ___Rodgers (dead), May Short (orphans of chirstopher Short (dead)). Administrator: John White |
From the
Maryland Calendar of Wills; Vol. VI
p. 192: Will of Samuel Harper, Dorchester Co., written April 15, 1735;
probated 1736.
Names four grandchildren: Elizabeth, William, Samuel and Margaret Stanford. Test.
Ezekiell Keene, Jacob Gray, Lewis Griffins, Sr.
the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B. Henry; Vol. IX
Wills from 1744-1749:
the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B. Henry; Vol. X
Wills from 1748-1753:
To wife Rachel Standford, slaves. To son John Standford, my dwelling plantation, and if no said issue, then to my unborn child, and if both are without issue, then to wife Rachel Standford. To son John Standford, cattle Wife: Rachel Standford, exe. Wit: Isaac Patridge, Edward Breadhurst, Elizabeth West (27, 55)
the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R. B. Henry; Vol. XI
Wills from 1753-1760
Wife: Elizabeth. Children: Thomas and Samuel. Grandchildren: John Stanford, son of Thomas. Exes: Elizabeth Standford; if dead, William Lane. Wit: Charles Walters, Jonathan Patridge, Mary Snelson (30, 611) |
Court Abstracts (1744-1748) by V. Skinner, p. 54
Charles Stanford; 410.4.0; March 20, 1746-May 27, 1746 Appraisers: Thomas Howell, John Stewart Creditors: Thomas Williams, J. Ennalls Next of Kin: William Stanford, Charles Stanford Executors: Rosanah Stanford, Thomas Stanford. |
Court Abstracts (1748-1751) by V. Skinner, p. 34
Thomas Standford; £108.13.6; May 11, 1749-August 9, 1749 Appraisers: Edward Trippe, Jr., Isaac Patridge Creditors: J. Ennalls, J. Eccleston Next of Kin: Betty Stanford, Samuel Stanford Administrator: Charles Standford William Stanford; 136.5.3; April 24, 1749-August 10, 1749 |
Court Abstracts (1755-1760) by V. Skinner, p. 97
Elisabeth Stanfort, October 30, 1759 (also Elizsabeth Standfort) Appraisers: Benjamin Kenns, Jr. John Woolen Creditors: William Prichett, Thomas Steplefort Next of Kin: Joshua Wall, Pearson Wall Executors: Thomas Wallace, Richard Standiford |
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R.
B. Henry; Vol. XII Wills from 1759-1764
p. 228: Elizabeth Stanford, Dorchester County, Written May 6, 1759; Prob. June 30, 1759. Click here. |
From the Maryland Calendar of Wills; comp. By J. B. Cotton & R.
B. Henry; Vol. XVI Wills from 1764-1767
From Maryland Deponents,
1634-1799 by Henry C. Peden, JR
Charles Sanford,
aet. 41 in 1728. Dorchester County, 0.8, 431.
From Maryland Account Books,
by Burns:
p. 355. The account of William Stanford and Rachel, his wife,
admx. of Joseph Wall, late of Dorchester Co, dec'd January 2, 1718.
p. 483. The account of Richard Prichard, executor of Mary Stanford,
late of Dorchester Co., MD., deceased November 12, 1719.
p. 271. Dorchester County, account of Richard Prichard and Elizabeth, his wife,
exts. of John Stanford, dec'd. Disbursements due to William
Stanford. December 11, 1726.
Dorchester County Judgments
From: MD Gen. Soc. Bulletin; Vol. 34, #4
Stanford, s/o William, owe Rebecca Wall for rent of plantation, 250 acres,
being part of the track Edmondon's Reser. £5 annually for two years.
Note: William Stanford married by 12 Jan 1718, Rachel, who was administrator of Joseph Wall of Dorchester Co, MD. (MGSB, Vol. 34, #2)
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