The Wills of George and
Margaret Vickers McKenzie
*Contributed by Marge
Lasater Prince. Thanks, Marge!
This Will was transcribed by Carol Lee Yarbrough and typed as written. When in doubt, I have so indicated.
In the Name of God Amen I George McKenzie of the County of White and State of Illinois Being of Sound mind and Memory (blessed by God) do this nineteenth day of February in the Year of our Lord one thousand Eight hundred and twenty four make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following that is to say first I bequeth to my beloved wife Margaret McKinzie my plantation with my Stock and other conveniences during her widowhood for the use of and rearing of her children to the years of Twenty one being male or females to the years of eighteen years. My Executors shall use all possible means to educate my children that is common education. The Names of My children are thus. Samuel Burdoni McKenzie I bequeath him one dollar for ever I having __ him off before. Alexander H. McKenzie, James Vickers McKenzie, William C. McKenzie, Robert Wesley McKenzie, Jesse B. F McKenzie, Aaron Shelby McKenzie, George W. H. McKenzie, Mary Rebecca McKenzie, Elizabeth Jane McKenzie and Sally W. McKenzie. Should My wife choose to enter in a second marriage I Bequeth to her one third of all my estate during her natural life And at my death I wish that a valuation of every thing be taken so that every child may have an equal Share of my estate as they come of age after deducting out all accounts that I have against my Sons that have left me – I desire that after my death should it not be done before that that my wife deed this plantation of one hundred and twenty Acres (the money I now have by me for that purpose. I do hereby make and ordain my wife Margaret McKenzie and my worthy friend Stephen Grimes Executor to this my last Will and Testament in witness where of I the said George McKenzie to this my last will and Testament set my hand and seal this day and date above written. Signed
Sealed and published in the presents of us:
John Bolarjack, Joel Bolerjack and Enose T. Allen.
Settlement The
estate sale was held July 18, 1834 as follows:
certify the above to be a true account. There
is a note at the bottom that reads is part:…."belonging to Margaret
Grimes late Margaret McKenzee paid by me the 22nd Feb 1836.
Stephen Grimes".
of Margaret McKinzey I
Margret McKinzey of White County State of Illinois being weake of body but
sound of mind and thought Day of October in the year 1840 Institue and
ordain this my Last Will and Testament.
First to Commit my body to the ____ in hopes of a joyfull
Resurrection. Secondly I
Institue and ordain and appoint Alexander Mckinzy and James
Mckinsey my heirs for Executors to this my Last will and Testament.
Thridly appoint my Executors to pay all my Just ____Debts and all
Lawfull ___ and funeral Expences and the Expence of this will and all
other Expence appertaining them to them to then what is Left of the
proceeds of my property after paying the above with the Exception
__ often mentioned. I
will and bequeath in the following form.
Viz 4 all my children has got their Share from their Father and I
wish to Bequeath what I have Controll over to the following names
Children. 5th I will and bequeath my old mare known by the Name of Doll to
Alexander Mckinzey to him and his heirs I will and bequeath to George
W. H. Mckinzy the filly that he now claims but not to sell or trade
her without consent of my Executors. 6th I will and bequeath to
Aron Shelby Mckinsy all my Right tithe and Claim to the Land I now
live on. 7th All my personal property to sold at Puclick Sail
Except what I give to my Children. 8th I will and bequeath to Mary
Rebecca Mckinzy my Saddle at the appraisment and a bed and beding also
to Elisabeth Jane Mckinzy a bed and beding also to Sara Mckinsy
Warren a bed and beding 9th all the proceeds of my personal
property after paying my dets and Demands to be put to ___ and equally
divided between Mary R. Mckinzey, George W. H. Mckinzey, Elisath
Mckinzy and Sarrah W. McKinzy the daughters receive at the age
of eighteen and my son at twenty one.
I Revock all will or wills _____________heartofore Made to be Still
and void given ______ my hand and seal this day and year above written.
Enter therefore
signed……… Margret
[X] Mckinzey [Seal] John
Duvll [X[, John Millspaugh and William Beatty. |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
to George McKenzie's Lineage
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