THE City of McLeansboro
Our Professional Men |
Dr. A. J. McIntyre, physician and surgeon, whose face herewith will be readily recognized, is a native of St. Thomas, Canada, where he lived until early manhood, reading medicine in the meantime until 1877, when he came to the United States and entered the medical department of the University of Michigan, graduating with honor in 1881, after which he went to Thompsonville, Ill., and began the practice of his profession, where he remained six years, and then went to Corinth, Williamson county, and stayed five years. In 1892 he took a post-graduate course in the Chicago Polyclinic, doing clinical work, and in 1893 he came to McLeansboro, where he has since resided and gradually built up for himself an extensive practice. Dr. McIntyre is conspicuous in the profession for his attainments in medical knowledge, and for his earnest and unremitting study of disease and the methods for its prevention and cure. The Times feels that it cannot too highly estimate the merits and qualifications of Dr. McIntyre, as he stands in the front rank of our physicians and surgeons, and his fame as such has extended to all sections of Hamilton county. The doctor is a Mason is good standing, the examining physician of the local lodge M. W. A., and a consistent member of the Methodist church. In 1883 he married the youngest daughter of Dr. Poindester of Thompsonville, Ill., and they have two children, who tend to brighten their home life. WALTER A. MCELVAIN Walter A. McElvain is the son of Judge John McElvain, one of the distinguished members of the McLeansboro bar. He was born in this city in 1856, and after securing his early education in our public schools attended Ewing college for four terms, and then devoted himself to the study of law under the tutelage of Mr. William Hamill, his father's former law partner, and in 1883 was admitted to the bar. Having large property interests in this and adjoining counties, and being desirous of placing same upon the market, his mind naturally turned to the study of that branch of the profession pertaining to real estate. So closely did he apply himself that today he is considered an authority on real estate law, and is regarded as an able and painstaking lawyer, into whose hands it is always safe to commit business requiring legal attention. He is extensively interested in the work of the Haw creek drainage district, having large interest involved in the success of the enterprise. Mr. McElvain is married, has two children and lives in his handsome home on Washington street. It is a model piece of architecture and adds so much to the beauty of our city, a view of which we present elsewhere. JAMES R. CAMPBELL
James R. Campbell was born in
Hamilton county, Ill., May 4, 1853 (his ancestors were among the first
settlers of Illinois); was educated at Notre Dame, Ind.; read law and
was admitted to the bar by the supreme court of Illinois in 1877.
In 1878 he purchased the McLeansboro Times (the only democratic paper in
the county), which he edited until 1898, when he sold the paper to M. E.
Daniel; was elected to the Illinois house of representative in 1884 and
1886; advanced to the senate in 1888, and re-elected in 1892.
During these twelve years of continuous service in the general assembly
of Illinois he participated in the memorable Morrison-Logan contest for
the United States senate in the session of 1885; was one of the 1010
democrats that elected General John M. Palmer United States senator in
1891; has served twelve years as a member of the judiciary,
appropriation, revenue and agricultural committees, and during this time
introduced and secured the passage of many important bills of interest
to the citizens of Illinois. He was elected to the fifty-fifth
congress of the United States as a democrat, indorsed by the populists
in 1896. He served in the call session of congress in 1897 and the
regular session of 1897-1898. When war was declared with Spain in
1898 he resigned his seat in congress and raised a regiment from his,
the twentieth congressional district (the famous ninth Illinois), and
was commissioned as colonel and served with his regiment in Cuba until
the close of the Spanish-American war. When mustered out in May,
1899, he again tendered his services to the country and was commissioned
lieutenant colonel of the Thirtieth United States volunteers infantry and
is now serving with the regiment in the Philippines.
JOHN H. HOGAN, D. D. S. John H. Hogan, D. D. S. whose face greets our readers in this issue, was born in Hamilton county in 1873 where he received his early education, attending the high school in McLeansboro, after which he clerked for about four years and then turned his attention to his chosen profession, that of dentistry, and with this end in view he entered the dental department of Vanderbilt University at Nashville, Tenn., and graduated with distinction in 1897, at which time he returned to his native heath, located his office and has since been identified with the interest of McLeansboro. The science of dentistry as made very rapid strides during the past decade, and today the ease which formerly caused hours of labor and excruciating torture of the patient is accomplished in an easy and dexterous manner. When we revert, in fancy, to the days of almost brutal dentistry, compared with the present advanced and easy process, one may truly be thankful that he is living in an age of enlightenment and of modern, theoretical and practical ideas. Dr. Hogan has devoted his time to the study of the wants of his profession and no matter how seriously the mouth may be impaired it can be restored to its normal expression by applying the discoveries which science have made to remedy natural decay. He gives special attention to crown and bridge work, and his office in the Benson block on the north side of the square is eminently suited to its purpose. The doctor is married, a member of the K. P.'s and is companionable and social and is fast making for himself a reputation. *Note: No photo accompanied this article. |
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