THE City of McLeansboro
Our Professional Men |
Joshua S. Sneed, attorney at law and mayor of McLeansboro was born in McLeansboro, Ill. in 1852. educated in the McLeansboro public schools and then attending select high school under Professor John Turrentine and Hon. Robert S. Anderson, obtained a certificate to teach, but never taught, having an offer entered the dry goods store of John Carpenter, where he remained till May, 1874, and was then tendered a position in the circuit clerk's office by Jonathan Starkey. On the death of Mr. Starkey in May, 1876, he was appointed by Judge T. B. Tanner, clerk and recorder and served till December, 1876. Mr. B. F. Gullie having been elected in November, he selected Mr. Sneed as his deputy, and with whom he stayed for two years. During this time he was elected as one of the justices of the peace of McLeansboro township, and served five years. In the spring of 1883 was elected police magistrate of McLeansboro and served three years, during which time he read law and was admitted to the bar in February, 1885. In 1886 the city was organized under the general law and he drew the boundary lines, laying off the wards, and was elected the first city attorney and was active in the legal matters of the city, revising the city ordinances that year. Eight years later he was again elected city attorney and filled the position acceptable to the people. In April, 1899, he was nominated and elected mayor of the city, which position he is filling with credit and honor. During this, his first year, the water works plant has been accepted and is now in running order. He is looking after the enforcement of law without partiality or favor. THE LEADER
We present the portrait of our contemporary together with a picture of his home, and would state that we are under many obligations to the genial doctor for valuable assistance in the preparation of this number, and take this opportunity to express our gratitude for favors shown. The doctor stands high in the medical profession, is a painstaking and conscientious physician and enjoys a lucrative practice. WILSON & McNABB
Dr. J. S. Barter, Dentist, whose
office is on the northwest corner of the square over the People's bank,
was born in Williamson county, Ill., in 1865, and received his early
education in its public schools, after which he attended the Southern
Illinois Normal university at Carbondale for three years, and then
attended the Chicago Dental school for two years, during which time he
was engaged in practice. Desiring further knowledge in his chosen
profession he attended the dental department of Vanderbilt University at
Nashville, Tenn., and from which institution he graduated in 1895 and
came to McLeansboro, since which time he has gradually grown in favor
with our people and today enjoys a lucrative practice.
In the dental college of today every appliance which skill and ingenuity can devise to facilitate dispatch in dentistry and to reduce the suffering of the patient to a minimum are used and recommended to the student. Every well equipped dental office of the age should possess these instrumental appliances. Here is our city that of Dr. Barter is equipped with all modern essentials. He is prepared to discharge all orders, his terms being as low as is consistent with satisfactory service. The doctor is a member of the Masonic fraternity; one of the leading members of the M. E. church, fond of good music and takes an interest in all that pertains to the welfare of the city. |
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