Dr. W.
S. Mullins
From: A History of the State, Battle,
Perrin & Kniffin, ed. 8-B, Bracken County, KY
Dr. W. S. Mullins, a native of the State of Illinois, is the grandson of Stephen Mullins, who was born in Halifax County, Virginia in 1782, emigrated to Mercer County, Kentucky in 1862, removed to Illinois in 1836, and died in 1862. His grandmother's maiden name was Lucy Sandifer, was born in Halifax County, Virginia in 1784 and died in 1856. Abner Leitch, father of Mrs. Sarah Mullins was born in Spottsylvania County, Virginia in 1793, settled in Illinois in 1836 and died in 1863. Sarah Roe Leitch, grandmother of Dr. Mullins, was born in Spottsylvania County, Virginia in 1798, and died in 1876. Harvey Mullins, father of W. S. Mullins, M. D., was born in Mercer County, Kentucky in 1817, settled in Illinois in 1836, was married to Sarah Leitch, September 12, 1839. They were blessed with eleven children, seven of whom died in infancy. Sarah Leitch Mullins was born in Fredericksburg, Virginia December 14, 1818. Dr. Mullins' parents are now living in Parkersburg, Illinois. Dr. Will S. Mullins was born in 1853, and is the sixth son of Harvey and Sarah (Leitch) Mullens. Dr. Mullins was reared in Paris, Illinois and received his education from the high schools of that place. He began the study of medicine in 1872, and in 1873, 1874, 1875 and 1876, attended the Cincinnati Homeopathic College, where he graduated in 1876 with high honors. He located in Paris, Illinois in 1876, removing to Charleston, Illinois in 1879. In 1880 he married Miss Helen Briggs. In 1882 he removed to Augusta, where he has since been actively engaged in practice, and his skill and ability as a physician cover an area of several States. Dr. Mullins has two children: Russell Mullins, aged seven years and Robert Mullins age three years. Dr. Mullins is now thirty-four years old and by hard study and close application to his profess has won a name of honor and high repute among his professional brethren.