Susanna Crow Standiford wife of
Obituary of Mrs. Susanna Crow Standiford
From: "Moundsville Daily Echo" - March 24, 1912
Marshall County, West Virginia
Mrs. Standiford dies at 97
Aged member of Pioneer Family-Funeral Tuesday
Mrs. Susanna Standiford, widow of Abraham Standiford, died at her home in Glendale Sunday night at eight fifteen o'clock. Funeral will be at the Christian church Tuesday at 2 p.m. They will leave the house at one o'clock promptly.
She was born on Stulls Run on the 15th of January, 1815, one week after the battle of New Orleans and was in her ninety seventh year.
Mrs. Standiford usually enjoyed good health till the last few years she had been afflicted with rheumatism and other afflictions incident to old age. She has been a very active woman and possessed largely of that type of industry that could not endure inactivity or idleness and consequently always kept diligently at work at something, not as a necessity, but as a choice, believing, probably, that busy hands made a more agreeable temper. Until the past few years she did considerable work as a means of healthful exercise. She spent her life in this county on a farm and could give many accounts of rural life since her first recollection of life as it was in the early part of the past century. She has seen the introduction of many conveniences for house work as well as labor saving machinery for the farm.
In her early years sewing
machines were not thought of. Almost all the wares of the family were home made and she,
no doubt was one of the expert workers in that line, as many of girls of that day prided
themselves in their skill at such work.
Of her children, there are living William Standiford with whom she lived, age seventy-two, Pete Standiford, age 70, Mrs. B.L. Crow, age about 68 and Mrs. Margaret Noffsinger of Parkersburg. Her daughters Mrs. Susan Garner age 72 and Mrs. Standiford died within the last three months.
She was the daughter of Peter Crow who was the son of Jacob Crow Sr. who was one of the first settlers on the south fork of Wheeling Creek, now generally called Crow's Creek and on some maps called Dunkard's Fork of Wheeling Creek.