Published by F.A. Battey & Co, Chicago, 1883, pg441
ELIZABETH A. STANFORD was born in Floyd County, Ind., October 10,1828, and is the daughter of George and Sarah (Brown) Swartz, both natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. George Swartz moved to Floyd County when a young man, bought a farm, married, and in 1850 died, a member of the M. E. Church, of which he had for many years been a class-leader. His daughter, Elizabeth A., was married February 14, 1850, to William Stanford, who was born in London, England, February 8, 1826. He came to Floyd County, this State, when a young man, bought a farm, on which he lived seven years, and taught school in connection with farming. In 1857, he passed a year in Tippecanoe County, then taught school two years at Independence, Warren County, then bought a farm in same county on which he lived four years when he returned to Tippecanoe County and farmed on shares for awhile. In October, 1863, he enlisted in the One Hundred and Forty-fourth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and was elected Second Lieutenant of his company. He served till the close of the war, and returned home in the summer of 1865, but soon after again went South on business and has not been heard from since. It is supposed that he died soon after leaving home. In the spring, of 1867, Mrs. Stanford brought her family to this township, purchased a farm of eighty acres of land, which she placed under cultivation, and which she has increased to 200 acres. Mrs. Stanford has had left her six children, three boys and three girls, all married. She is and has been since her girlhood a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
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