Dorothy Haskell Standifer
From: Collier Cemetery - Bledsoe Co, TN by Sue Douglas Condra & Sara
Aee Goins, 1991
*No notation as to which Newspaper this obituary was published.
Mrs. Dorothy Haskell Standefer, 33, of Signal Mountain, died in a local hospital Tuesday morning, January 29, 1963. She was a member of the Winchester Methodist Church. She attended the University of Tennessee and was a graduate of Middle Tennessee State College. She taught in the city school system and the Sequatchie county school system.
She is survived by her husband, Polk Roberson Standefer; daughter, Dee Ann Standefer; and two sons, Rufus Eddie and Alex Haskell Standefer, both of Signal Mountain; her mother Mrs. Ann Clark Haskell of Winchester; a brother, Frank E. Haskell, Jr. of Winchester; and a niece, Miss Susan Marie Haskell of Chattanooga. She was the daughter of the late Maj. Frank Haskell of Winchester.
Funeral services were held Wednesday afternoon, January 30, in the East Chapel of the Chattanooga Funeral Home, with the Rev. Carl Glason and W. C. Link officiating. Interment was in the Collier Cemetery in Dunlap, TN.
*Note: Polk Roberson Standefer was the son of Rufus Edward and Clara Cleo Roberson Standefer.
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