"He Stands Ever"
R. Walker b. 1830
From: History
of Lawrence, Orange and Washington Counties, Indiana,
by Goodspeed Bros. 1884
Northeast Township, Orange County, Indiana, p. 639.
William R. Walker, a descendant of two pioneer families of Orange County, and a well-to-do farmer of Northeast Township, was born in the year 1830, the eldest child born to Alexander and Elizabeth Standerford Walker. Alexander Walker was a native Kentuckian, a Captain of the war of 1812, and a pioneer of southern Indiana and this county. William Standerford, father of Elizabeth Walker, was also an old soldier, serving in the battle of Orleans, and becoming one of the first settlers of this county. William R. Walker has never known any home but his native county, and here, by an upright life he has gained the respect of all his fellow men. In 1854 Elizabeth, daughter of Jefferson and Miriam (Brooks) Finley, became his wife, and two children blessed their union, named: William H. and Mary, now Mrs. J. R. Fields. The mother was born April 10, 1820 and died March 23, 1882. For his second and present wife Mr. Walker married Sallie E., daughter of William and Harriet Baker. He and wife are members of the Methodist and Baptist Churches respectively.