Wills & Court Orders
Madison County, AL
of Israel Standifer:
Last Will and Testament of Israel Standifer of Madison County, AL His Bible is at the Barker Center, University of Texas, Austin. In the name of God, Amen, I, Israel Standifer, of Madison County, and state of Alabama, being now in the eightieth year of age and in good health, also in perfect mind and memory thanks be to God; therefore calling to mind the mortality of my body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this, my last Will and Testament---that is to say principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul unto the hands of God that gave it and for my body, I recommend to the earth to be buried in a Christian like manner at the discretion of my executors as touching such worldly estate which it hath pleased God to bless me with in this life, I give devise and dispose of the same in the following manner and form. Item I: I lend to my beloved Phoebe Standifer the amount of land of which I now live in Madison County, Alabama, containing 53 1/3 acres during my wife's natural life. Also I lend to my wife one negro woman slave named Minn and one negro man named Terry during my wife's life. Also, I lend to my wife 4 beds and the furniture thereunto belonging---also I lend to my wife all the rest of the house and kitchen furniture, except two beds and furniture---also I lend to my wife all my plantation working tolls and my will and desire is at my wife's decease that the four beds and furniture that is lent to my wife in my will shall be equally divided between my four youngest sons: vis: Thomas Frost Standifer, John Standifer, Micajah Standifer, and Elijah Standifer. Item II; I give to my son William Standifer one bed and furniture, and my will and desire is that at my decease, my negro man, Ambros, shall be sold and my son Samuel Standifer shall have one-fourth part of the price of Ambros---also the balance of my cattle shall be sold and the money so arising with the balance of Ambros shall be applied to pay off all my debts and if any money left, it shall be equally divided between my four youngest sons above mentioned. Also, my will and desire is that my wife's decease that the land and negroes that is lent to my wife in my will shall be sold and all the rest of the property except four beds and furniture and the money so arising shall be equally divided between all my children only that these five children, the heirs and coheirs of my daughter, Martha Johnson, deceased, shall have on child's part to be equally divided between them---also, my will and desire is that the copper mine on Blackwater River in Franklin County in old Virginia shall be equally divided between all my children whose names are hereunder written: Mary Standifer Woodcock, Jesse Standifer, Abraham Standifer, William Standifer, Stephen Standifer, Elijah Standifer, Skelton Standifer, Thomas Frost Standifer, John Standifer, Micajah Standifer, Samuel Standifer, James Standifer, and Israel Standifer. (13 in all) Therefore, my wife, Phebe Standifer is hereby nominated Executrix and Abraham and Thomas Frost Standifer, Executors of this my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 26th day of October 1820. Israel Standifer (Seal) Recorded this 31 May 1826 with John Tatson the other subscribing witness produced in court, etc. Thomas Branden, Clerk *Will written 10-26-1820 in Madison Co, ALA, mentions a copper mine on the Blackwater River in Franklin Co |
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