Quarterlies, Books & Newspaper Articles
From Kentucky
OBITUARIES (1787-1854) by G. Glenn Clift, 1977
p. 44:
Mrs. Mary Standeford, of Bourbon County, died in August, 1826. (Recorded in
the Register, September 4, 1826.
From: The Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 3, #2, 1961, p.53.
General Store Account Book for Casey
Co., KY; August, 1836: Elizabeth Sandafer
From The
History of Kentucky, Vol. 1 by Lewis Collins, 1878:
Vol. 2, p.357: Dr.
Elisha D. Standiford served as a member of the Legislature from Jefferson
County from 1868 to 1875. He resigned February, 1873.
p. 357: Dr.
Elisha Standiford, member of Legislature, Jefferson Co., 1868-1875.
From The Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 12, #3, 1970
County: Public Officials in Kentucky: Jefferson County. Justice of the
Peace, David Standeford. Justice of the Peace, Marsham Brashears.
From The Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 9, #3, p. 83
1787, November
6. Petition of sundry inhabitants of the County of Jefferson that
it would be necessary and convenient to establish a ferry from the lands of Thomas Hynes
in the County of Jefferson over Salt River to the lands of Benjamin Pope on the opposite
side in the County of Nelson. Among the signatures were: James Standiford,
Aquila Whitaker.
From The Fort Wayne News, pub. December 4,
YOUTH'S SECOND ELOPEMENT LOUISVILLE, Ky., Dec 4.--D. Standiford and Miss Lillian Godfrey, of this city, eloped to Jeffersonville yesterday afternoon and were married by Justice Hause. This is the second time young Standiford, who is slightly over 21 years has figured in a runaway marriage. His first wife, was Miss Lillie Girard Alexander, a society girl of Louisville, secured a divorce from him Saturday together with $10,000 alimony. The case had been in the courts nearly two years, suit having been brought only a short time after their romantic marriage in Jeffersonville in 1897. At that time the young couple had known each other only a week and the wedding was a great surprise. The second Mrs. Standiford is the daughter of Captain John Godfrey, a well known Ohio river pilot. The groom comes from one of the most distinguished families in the state, being a son of the late Dr. E. D. Standiford who was for years president of the Louisville & Nashville railway. *E. D. Standiford, Jr. was the son of Elisha David and Lillie Standiford. |
From: The Atlanta Constitution, Atlanta, GA; Vol. XIX; Tueday, August 16,
Dr. Standiford Said to Have Married While He was Intoxicated
Louisville, August 15--Dr. E. D. Standiford, ex-president of the Louisville and Nashville railroad, and reputed to the richest man in Kentucky, has not been dead three weeks and the fight over his property has already begun. He left no will, and under Kentucky law one-third of the realty would go his wife, and the remainder in equial share to his seven children. Her hare would amount to $750,000. His wife, formerly Miss Scott at his death on July 26, was a bride of nineteen days, and Murray Kellar, husband of his favorite daughter, is making a vigerous protest against giving up to her so large a share of the property. It was published the day after Dr. Standiford's death that Mrs. Standifeord during his last hours was excluded from his room and that his last murmurs were directions for a division of his property to favor Mrs. Kellar. Today this is supplemented by a publication in substance as follows: dr. Standiford was lured into an engagment through a flirtation begun at the opera, and entered at once upon a drunken stupor which continued till after his marriage, and when the ceremony was performed was not in his right mind. Upon this ground suit to annul the marriage will shortly be instituted.
Dr. Standiford was, it is reported, unwilling to marry Miss Scott, and on the day of the wedding wanted her to accept a $20,000 check and break off the match. The night before, it is alleged, he had offered a lady here $100,000 to marry him and save him from the apporaching wedding. His friends remonstrated at the ceremony that he was not in his right mind and Miss Scott and her parents were warned but with their minister persisted in carrying though the ceremony. It is generally believed the publication is inspired by Mr. Kellar, once general manager of the Louisville, New Albany and Chicago road, but of late a ward politician and a man of leisure. On the other hand, Dr. Standiford, while sober, gold gentlemen here a week before his wedding that he was going to marry Miss Scott, and that was the peer of any woman in Kentucky. She was also kindly received as his wife by the family, including the Kellars, who were living with Dr. Standiford at the time of his marriage. A few days ago, Mr. Kellar and his family moved next door to the house of his brother-in-law, James G. Caldwell, president of the Birminham rolling mills, and yester Mrs. Standiford left to Paducah and the Standiford mansion.
From The
History of Kentucky, Vol. 1 by Lewis Collins, 1878:
p. 84: June 23,
1860--Mrs. Jarvis T. Standiford, of Tolleboro, Lewis County, aged
32, has a full suit of beard, about 5 inches
long, grown upon her fact since September 1, 1859; it is thick, very dark and coarse like
a man's beard, and has never been trimmed; no beard on her upper lip, and none from her
mouth down over the middle of her chin to her neck, a space one inch wide.
From The
Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 12, #3, p.115
County, KY. Ordinary Licenses Granted 1790-1800. #1. Nathan C.
Standiford, Surety G. M. Bedinger, July 24, 1797, bond given to the Governor of
Kentucky. #2. Nathan C. Standiford, Surety David Ballengall,
October 28, 1799, bond given to the Governor of Kentucky.
From The
History of Kentucky, Vol. 1 by Lewis Collins, 1878:
p. 8: Martha
Sandefer, age 83, is listed as a Revolutionary soldier's widow living in
Mercer Co., KY, in 1840.
From The
Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 11, #1, 1969; p. 20
"1789, October 23. Petition of Matthew Walton and other inhabitants of the County of Nelson that it would greatly increase the interest and promote the happiness of the petitioners by establishing a warehouse and inspection on the lands of Matthew Walton on the south side of Salt River at the first Yellow Bank below the mouth of Long Lick Creek, the situation being between the two principal salt works in the District of Kentucky about three miles from the long lick and about three miles from Bullitt's Lick. The river at all seasons of the year is navigable. It is contiguous to any public roads. They pray an Act establishing a warehouse and inspection."
Among the many signatures on this petition were: Ephraim Stanford, Ignatius Brashears, and Lainiff Coxor.
From The
Kentucky Genealogist, Vol. 24, #4, p. 130
[Pension Applications for War of 1812 Service, abstracted by John Frederick Dorman,
June 25, 1843.
Nicholas Co., KY. [This is a deposition from John Standiford of said county to verify that
Vivion Brooking was a soldier in that war]. John Standiford declares he was a
noncommissioned officer in the company of Capt. Aris Throckmorton in the 3rd Regiment of
Shelby's Kentucky Volunteer Militia commanded by Col. John Pogue. Vivion Brooking
was a privated in the company and was muster in 31 August 1831 at Newport, KY for ninety
days and served about 65 days and was discharged at Aberdeen, Ohio, 5 November 1813.
From Nicholas County History; p. 419; by Thelma Sampson Standiford,
Ewing, KY
*Contributed by Dan Eaton.
The Standiford family presently in Nicholas County are of English descent,
having first settled in Baltimore County, Md. The immigrant ancestor was
William Standiford, an adult in 1687. The Standiford estate was named
Hopewell, according to Calvert Rent Rolls. His wife's name is unknown, but
he was the father of John, Samuel, Jemima, Mary, James, Ephiram, and William II.
William II was married three times, first to Ann Hutchings, second of Christina Wright, third to Elizabeth Carlisle. By wife Christina he had children: Aquilla (b. 1740), Arvilla (b. 1741) and Abraham (b. 1745).
Aquilla, a Methodist minister, married Sarah Clark and migrated to Kentucky in 1784, locating first at Hopewell or Paris. At the time only three families lived in log cabins there; Standiford and Hildreths were two of them. They remained there until the population increased and game became scarce, then moved on to the Blue Lick Springs area in what is now Nicholas County. Today some of the original land owned by Aquilla is still in the family.
Aquilla and Sarah were parents of 12 children: Cassandra, a daughter, married James Standiford. They were parents of John, Robert, Jarvis Taylor, Aquilla, America, Sarah, Susanna, and George.
George (b. 1823) married Cynthia McCabe, and they were parents of James Franklin, John Bruce, Robert Fristo, William McCabe, and Charley Baker [Standifords].
James Franklin Standiford (b.1850) married Sarah Von Hildreth and had one son Simon Kenton Standiford (b. 1874). Their son married Etna Mullikin of Robertson County. They became the parents of Louise and James Albert. Louise married Meredith Linville, and they have one son, Arthur Kenton Linville, who married Janet Kuhnheim and has a son and daughter, Meredith Scott and Karen Gayle.
James Albert Standiford (b. 1905) married Thelma Sampson, and they have a daughter and son: Geraldine Gorrell and James Albert, Jr. Geraldine and James Albert each have two sons, who presently live in Fayette and Bourbon County. Their names are John Warren and James Melborne Gorrell and Larry James and Stephen Dale Standiford.
From The
History of Shelby County, KY by Willis
Standiford is among those on the first Tax List of Shelby County, KY 1792-1795.
Standiford was named on June 28, 1792 by Kentucky's first governor, Isaac Shelby,
as Sheriff of the newly formed Shelby County, KY. David Standiford was Senator from
Shelby Co., KY. 1796-1800.
From The
History of Kentucky, Vol. 1 by Lewis Collins, 1878:
Vol. 2, p. 709: David
Standiford, served in the Legislature from Shelby County from 1796 to 1800.
From Kentucky
State Historical Register, p. 212
p.212: David
Standiford, appointed by Governor, as Justice of Quarterly Sessions of Shelby
County, March 15, 1790.
From the Historical
Encyclopedia of Kentucky:
p. 874: Honorable Elisha
Standiford, *biography, says in part "born December 28, 1831.
Ancestors came from Scotland and settled in Maryland...He was elected to the Senate
1862. Served several terms.
From The
History of Kentucky, Vol. 1 by Lewis Collins, 1878:
p. 246: In May,
1873, Confederate soldier, Charles Herbst visited the Chickamauga Battlefield, Georgia and
found at Dalton, GA the confederate grave of R. P. Sanford, Co.
Gl, 4th inf., among others. At Charleston, East Tennessee, he found buried Sergeant
W. F. Standiford, Co., D., 1st Cavalry.
From Kentucky
OBITUARIES (1787-1854) by G. Glenn Clift, 1977
p. 15: Honorable Richard
Stanford, of Georgetown. Representative in Congress from North Carolina
died Sunday, April 21, 1816, aged about 47 years. (Recorded in the Kentucky Gazette April
22, 1816.)
From: Kentucky Ancestors, Vol. 7, #3,
p. 135
(This family information was contributed by Mrs. Lula Reed Boss of Maysville, KY in 1972.)
McClane/McClain/McLean/McLain Family
Descendants of John Mostiler McLean
1. John Mostiler McLean, born September 13, 1793 in Maryland; died November 08, 1860 in Fleming Co., KY. He married (1) Rachel Bentley. He married (2) Sarah "Sallee" Standiford June 21, 1840 in Fleming Co., KY. She was the daughter of George Standiford and Mary McCarty of Fleming Co., KY. [George Standiford was the son of Aquilla and Sarah Clark Standiford].
Children of John McLean and Rachel Bentley are:
i. Mary Ann McLean, born November 11, 1821.
ii. Martha Jane McLean, born November 11, 1821.
iii. Isaiah Daniel McLean, born March 03, 1823; died March 11, 1861.
iv. George Dawson McLean, born July 15, 1824; married Rebecah Robb December 03, 1843.
v. Eliza Elender McLean, born October 28, 1826; died June 28, 1861.
vi. Michael Bentley McLean, born May 13, 1832.
vii. Joseph Randolph McLean, born May 09, 1834.
viii. William Art McLean, born December 09, 1838.
Children of John McLean and Sarah Standiford are:
i. John Wesley McLean, born November 12, 1842 in Fleming Co., KY; married (1) Lucy Stocker March 05, 1867 in Fleming Co., KY; married (2) Eliza Smith Shockey Call July 09, 1879 in Fleming Co., KY.
ii. Manerva McLean, born June 07, 1845; died November 08, 1887; married John J. Lambert November 03, 1867.
iii. Everett McLean, born March 14, 1848 in Fleming Co., KY; died March 13, 1907 in Fleming Co., KY; married Russia Moore January 02, 1884 in Fleming Co., KY.
From Kentucky
OBITUARIES (1787-1854) by G. Glenn Clift, 1977
Vol. 2, p. 356: Thomas
Sandford served as a member of the convention which framed the second
Constitution of Kentucky, assembled at Frankfort, August 17, 1799.
My Father, Daniel Boone, The Draper (1851) Interviews with Nathan Boone,
Edited by Neal O. Hammon, pub. 1999:
Chloe Staniford married John Van Bibber (son of Peter Van
Bibber, Sr. and Ann ?)
Children of John Van Bibber and Chloe Staniford:
1. Chloe Van Bibber; married Jesse Bryan Boone, 1773-1820 (son
of the noted frontiersman, Daniel Boone)
2. Rhoda Van Bibber (Killed by Indians)
3. James Van Bibber
Note: A niece of John and Chloe Standiford Van Bibber, Olive Van Bibber (d/o Peter Van Bibber, Jr., and Marguery Bounds) married Natan Boone, 1751-1856, youngest son of Daniel Boone.
(See Maryland Quarterlies).