"He Stands Ever"
C. Standford
From A History of the
State by Battle, Perrin, Kniffin, 2nd Edition, 1885; Livingston County:
John C. Standford, Livingston County, second son of John and Sarah (Richeson) Standford, was born in Sumner County, Tennessee, July 27, 1836. His father was a native of North Carolina, and in early manhood immigrated to Tennessee, and settled near Gallatin, Sumner County. He was a hatter and shoemaker, but for a number of years previous to his death, followed the occupation of farming. He died in April 1861, aged seventy-three years. Subject's maternal grandfather was Samuel Richeson, a native of Virginia. Sara Richeson Standford was born in Albemarle County, that State, and died in February 1882, at the age of seventy-five years. The subject of this sketch was reared a farmer, and remained with his parents until his twenty-fourth year. His parents moved to Todd County, KY, when he was but six years old; he lived in that part of the State until 1859, when he came to Livingston County.
After his father's death he came
in possession of part of the home place, and later purchased the entire farm, which he now
owns. Mr. Standford's farm lies in one of the richest parts of Livingston County, and is
well adapted for general agriculture and stock raising, in both of which he has been
remarkable successful. March 19, 1860, Mr. Standford married Miss Nancy F. Taylor,
daughter of Isaac B. and Lucinda (McGaughey) Taylor, of Sumner County, Tennessee. Seven
children have been born to this union, viz.: Merida F., Joseph L., Ulysses C. (deceased),
William C., Robert H. (deceased), Allie D. and Vandalia (deceased). Mr. Standford is a
member of the General Baptist Church, to which he has belonged since 1874, and in politics
he is an independent Democrat, having been a strong Union man during the war.