I received this record from Ginger who says: "I am not a Sandefur
researcher but am wondering if you can help. I have in my possession (rescued from
the trash) a photo album with quite a few family pictures, some pretty old. The
newest ones appears to be 1966. In the back of the album is this list of names and
birth dates. I'm transcribing it just as it appears. I would like to give the
album to a family member." How great! If you recognize this family, Contact Ginger!!!
Family Record of Jeremiah Sandefur
Jeremiah - Mary C. Sandefur married March 13, 1885
Jeremiah B. born December 25, 1834
Mary C. Sandefur November 23, 1883
W. M., Dad, born October 28, 1860. (d? December 29, 1950)
Amanda J. born April 10, 1864 (d? March 28, 1951)
me born April 19, 1883
R. E. born May 11, 1886
M. E. born May 16, 1888
W. Earnest born May 27, 1880
Zeporah E. born May 27, 1890
Ruby Lee born July 22, 1902
Bulah born February 6, 1908
Hubert E. born June 12, 1904