Dr. J.
B. Sandefur
From Biographical and
Historical Memoirs of Southern Arkansas; pub. Goodspeed; 1890.; p. 436
Dr. J. B. Sandefur, physician and surgeon, Hope,(Hempstead County) Arkansas. Dr. Sandefur is recognized far and wide as a friend and laborer in the cause and advancement of the medical fraternity. He is a native of Alabama, born in Tuscumbia in 1836, and is the second child born to the union of George W. and Mary (Bates) Sandefur, natives of Virginia and Alabama, respectively. The father was a tanner by trade, and was also engaged in the manufacture of boots, shoes and harness. He moved to this State about 1850, and settled in what was then Hempstead, but is now Nevada County, where he entered land. Here he improved his farm and resided until his death, which occurred in 1860. The country was very sparsely settled at the time Mr. Sandefur first located here, game of all kinds was plentiful and occasionally a few Indians would roam through the country. He and his wife were the parents of eight children, three of whom are still living: Mrs. Mary Jones and Mrs. Virginia Powell both of this county. Mrs. Sandefur, who yet resides in this county, is in her seventy-ninth year, and is still quite active. She appears younger than a great many ladies of fifty. She is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Sandefur was a member of the Masonic fraternity.
Dr. J. B. Sandefur received an ordinary education in the common schools of this county, and when twenty one years of age commenced fitting himself for the tanner's trade, which he learned from his father, and at the beginning of the war he was engaged in this and in the manufacture of boots and shoes. On this account he was released from service.
After the war he continued the business for eight or nine months, after which he disposed of his stock and entered the office of Dr. J. B. Davis of this county. He read medicine for eighteen months, and in 1867 attended the New Orleans School of Medicine, where he remained one term. He then came home, formed a partnership with his old instructor, and engaged in the practice of his profession. When he first commenced practicing, the Doctor's territory embraced a tract of country about twenty miles square, and he had the largest practice in this section.He enjoys the reputation of being one of the leading physicians in this county, and although M. D.'s are plentiful, he still has as much as he can attend to.
The Doctor was married in 1863 to Miss Berneacey Hamrie, daughter of John Hamrie, a native of Mississippi. Dr. Sandefur and his wife were the parents of seven children, only two now living: Ada (wife of James Wilye) and George, both of whom are residents of this county. Mrs. Sandefur died on November 1, 1889, and was a consistent member of Missionary Baptist Church.
Dr. Sandefur is largely interested in agricultural pursuits, is the owner of several farms, and has about 150 acres under cultivation. Until moving to Hope the Doctor made a specialty of farming, and followed that almost as extensively as thought not engaged in his practice. Since coming here he has disposed of several farms. The Doctor is a genial and generous gentleman, liberal in his ideas and a protector of the rights of humanity. He is a member of the A. F. & A. M., and politically is a Democrat.