and Court Records of the Taylor Family
Graciously contributed by LaVelda
James Alex Taylor (1855) | Samuel Taylor (1856) | William Taylor (1876) |
Tilman Taylor (1879) | Mahala Taylor (1882) | LeRoy L. Taylor (1897) |
- He
was married to PAULINA BASS who divorced him 8 -1855 in White Co.,
Il, just a month before his death: State
of Illinois, White County {Note: In the following sale bill, the amount has been cut off and only the Name of Purchaser and Article Sold are listed. This was a very hard document to read and decipher, so I may have misinterpreted some of the names. }
of Illinois White
County We
hereby certify that this is correct sale bill of the goods and chattels
and personal estate of JAS A. TAYLOR, Deceased. Nov
29th, 1855 M.
A. TAYLOR, Clerk The
& ELISHA MCDOWELL of the County of White and State of Illinois,
Greeting: This
is to authorize you jointly to appraise the goods, chattels and personal
estate of SAMUEL TAYLOR late of the County of White and State of
Illinois, deceased, so far as the same shall come to your sight and
knowledge: each of you having
first taken the oath for affirmation hereto annexed, a certificate
whereof you are to return annexed to an appraisement bill of said goods,
chattels and personal estate by you appraised in dollars and cents; and
in the said bill of appraisement you are to set down in a colum or
columns opposite to each article appraised the value thereof. WITNESS,
R. S. GRAHAM,, Clerk of the County Court of County of White at
his office in Carmi, this 3rd day of March A.D. 1856.
R. S. GRAHAM, Clerk We
do solemnly swear, that we will well and truly without partiality or
prejudice, value and appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate of
SAMUEL TAYLOR deceased so far as the same shall come to our sign and
knowledge, and that we will in all respects perform our duties as
appraisers to the best of our skill and judgement so help us God.
JESSE (his X mark) ROSE Subscribed
and sworn to before me this 27th day of March A.d. 1856: ADMINISTRATOR'S
all men by the presents that we, CHARLES TAYLOR and JAMES TAYLOR of the
County of White and State of Illinois, are held and firmly bound unto
the People of the State of Illinois, in the penal sum of Six Hundred
Dollars, current money of the United States, for the payment of which
well and truly to be made, We, and each of us, do bind Ourselves, our
Heirs, Administrators and Assigns, jointly, severally and firmly, by
these Presents. Witness
our Hands and Seals, this 3rd day of March in the year of our Lord One
thousand Eight Hundred and Fifty-Six. The
Conditions of the Above Obligation are such, that if the said CHARLES
TAYLOR Administrator of all and singular the Goods and Chattels, Rights
and Credits of SAMUEL TAYLOR deceased, do make or cause to be made a
truce and perfect inventory of all and singular the Goods and Chattels,
Rights and Credits of the said deceased, which shall come to the hands,
possession or knowledge of me the said CHARLES TAYLOR as such
Administrator, or in the hands of any person or persons, for me and the
same so made, do exhibit or cause to be exhibited in the County Court
for the said County of ___ agreeable to law.....and further, to make a
just and true account of all his nets and doings therein, when thereunto
required by the said Court; and if it shall appear that any Last Will
and Testament was made by the deceased, and the same proved in Court,
and Letters Testamentary or of Administration be obtained thereon, and
the said CHARLES TAYLOR do such case on being required thereto, render
and deliver up the Letters of Administration granted to him as
aforesaid, and shall in general do and perform all other acts which may
at any time be required of him by law, then this obligation to be void,
otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Attest:
before me We the undersigned Cleark (sic) and Salesman of the personal property of SAMUEL TAYLOR Deceased do certify that this is a true statement of the property sold on the 29th day of March 1856.
was married twice - first to Jane Wyatt - and second to 17 year old Anna
Hutchinson. Rance C.
Taylor, below, was his nephew, son of JOHN T. TAYLOR (this relationship
is stated in the papers abstracted below): PETITION
the matter of the estate of WILLIAM
TAYLOR deceased, for Letters of Administration. To
the Hon. ORLANDO BURRELL, Judge of the County Court of White County in
the State of Illinois, The
Petition of the undersigned RANE C. TAYLOR respectfully represents that
WILLIAM TAYLOR late of the County of White aforesaid, departed this life
at his residence in said County on or about the 1st day of March A.D.
1876, leaving no last will or testament as far as your petitioner
knows or believes. And
this Petition further shows that the said WILLIAM TAYLOR died, seized
and possessed of Personal Estate consisting chiefly of:
3 head of mules and 1 Colt, 3 sows, 1 two-horse wagon, 3 plows, 1
harrow, 1 old Buggy, household kitchen furniture, 1 Note for $40.00 all
of said personal estate being estimated to be worth about five hundred
and seventy two dollars. That
said deceased left surviving him ANN TAYLOR his widow, and LYDIA BURNS,
MAGDALINE TAYLOR, EMALINE TAYLOR, ___ TAYLOR and a grandchild of dec'd
and child of ANDREW J. TAYLOR and 3 grandchildren the childen of RACHEL
DUNCAN, his children and grandchildren. That
your Petition being NEPHEW of said deceased, and believing that the said
estate should be immediately administered as well for the proper
management of said Estate as for the prompt collection of the assets, by
virtue of his right under the Statue, therefore prays that your Honor
will grant Letters of Administration to him in the premises, upon his
taking the oath prescribed by the Statue, and entering into bond in such
sum and with securities as may be approved by your Honor. RANE
to and subscribed before me WILLIAM
H. PEARCE, Clerk of the County Court of White County this 18th day of
December A.D. 1876 Rec'd
Carmi, Illinois Decr 18th 1876 of RANE C. TAYLOR, Administrator of the
Estate of WILLIAM TAYLOR, deceased, the sum of Four Dollars in full of
Clerk fees on Letters of Administration in said Estate.
WILLIAM H. PEARCE, Clerk Received
of RANE C. TAYLOR Administrator of the Estate of WILLIAM TAYLOR,
deceased, all the personal property of the deceased as my dour (sic). Dated
this the 14th day of February 1880
people of the State of Illinois to GEORGE O. BOLSOVER, JOSEPH A. UPTON
and WILLIAM THOMAS of the County of White and State of Illinois
Greeting: This
is to authorize you to appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate
of WILLIAM TAYLOR late of the County of White and State of Illinois
deceased, so far as the same shall come to your sight and knowledge,
each of you having first taken the oath hereto annexed; a certificate
whereof you are to return annexed to an Appraisement Bill of said goods,
chattels and personal estate, by you appraised in dollars and cents; and
in the said bill of appraisement you are to set down in a column or
columns, opposite to each art'cle appraised, the value thereof. WITNESS:
WILLIAM H. PEARCE, Clerk of the County of Wite County and the
seal of said Court, this Eighteenth day of December 1876.
H. PEARCE, Clerk Estate
of WILLIAM TAYLOR, Deceased Know
All Men By These Presents, that we RANE C. TAYLOR, WILLIAM MCGEHEE of
the County of White and State of Illinois are held and firmly bound unto
the people of the State of Illinois in the sum of Nine hundred and
forty-four dollars current money of the United States which payment well
and truly to be made and performed, we and each of us bind ourselves,
our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointly, severally,
and firmly by these presents. Witness
our hand and seals this Eighteenth day of December A.D. 1876.
and delivered in the presence of: Cash
On Hand at time of Decease By
Whom Owing: JOHN TAYLOR,
Desperate I
do hereby certify that the above is a correct Inventory of the Real and
Personal Estate of WILLIAM TAYLOR, deceased. Given
under our hands this 21st day of December 1876.
Appraisement Bill of the Goods, Chattels and Personal Estate of WILLIAM
TAYLOR late of said County, deceased, made by virtue of the annexed
warrant. 1
Rifle Gun 8.00; 1 horse
50.00; 3 mules 240.00; 1 Buggy 10.00; 1 Waggon 50.00; 3 plows 6.73; 1 Pr
Double Trees 1.00; 1 Harrow 5.00; 1 sow and pigs 12.00; 1 sow and pigs
9.00; 1 sow and pigs 5.00; 10 Head Geese 2.50; 1 mowing scythe 0.75; 2
hoes 1.00; Chicken 4.00; 1 froe .50; 1 lot irons 0.50; 5 axes 1.00; 1
__soap 6.00; 1 tub and keg 0.25; 1 Bee hive 5.00; 1 cross-cutt saw 5.00;
1 horse collar 1.50; old gears 0.25; 1 hand saw .50; halters and gearing
2.75; 1 saddle 4.00; 1 wood saw 0.75; bowls 0.35; 2 beds 20.00; 1 lot
cotton 1.50; 5 blankets 5.00; 1 blk(?) meat 6.00; gars(sic) 1.00; Quilts
& Tops 18.00; cards & slate 0.50; 1 lot glass-ware 2.00; 1 lot
fruit cans 1.00; 1 box 0.25; 1 cook stove & ___ 15.00; Gars &
Jugs 4.00; 1 brass kettle 1.50; 2 watter Buckets 0.25; 1 pot &
Smooth Irons 1.00; 1 Safe & Contents 7.00; 1 lot of Books 1.00; 1
Safe 3.50; 1 Trunk 2.00; Quilt Pieces 2.00; 1 Bead (sic) 24.00; 1 Bead
(sic) 15.00; 1 Table 2.00; 1 Table .50; Pans & Gars (sic) 0.50; 1
Lot Caned(sic) Fruit 9.00; 1 Sewing Machine 35.00; 1 Milch Cow 15.00.
Total: $633.35 We
the undersigned, appointed by the Honorable County Court of said County
to appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate of WILLIAM TAYLOR
late of said County, deceased, do hereby certify that the foregoing is a
true and correct Appraisement Bill of said Goods, chattels and personal
estate, so far as the same have come to our sight and knowledge; that we
have appraised each article at its true value according to the best of
our skill and judgement, having first taken the oath required by law. Given
under our hands and seals this 20th day of December 1876. GEORGE
of Illinois And
now comes the petitioner by PARTRIDGE & BARKER his Solicitors and
present his petition herein, and it satisfactorily appearing to the
Court that the defendants JAMES H. TAYLOR, CHARLES TAYLOR, NANCY J.
served with summons herein by the Sheriff of White County, and that the
defendant MARY GREEN has been duly served with summons by the Sheriff of
Hamilton County. It
is therefore ordered by the Court that the said defendants be called.
And they being three times solemnly called, came not, nor any one
for them but herein fail and make default; which is ordered to be
entered of record; and it further appearing to the Court that the said
TAYLOR and TILFORD TAYLOR are minors and have no Guardian; It is
therefore ordered by the Court that RICHARD SPICKNALL JR be and he is
hereby appointed Guardian ad litem for said minor defendants.
And afterwards the said RICHARD SPICKNALL JR as such Guardian ad
Litem comes and files his answer herein, neither admitting nor denying
the allegations in said petition contained, but reserving the rights of
said minors by requiring proof. And
this cause having been brought on to be heard upon the petition herein
taken as confessed by the adult defendants the answer of said Guardian
ad litem and the exhibits and proofs. And
it satisfactorily appearing to the Court from the evidence the said
TILFORD TAYLOR departed this life on or about the Fifth day of November
A.D. 1870, leaving him surviving his widow who has since died and JAMES
ZACHARIA TAYLOR and TILFORD TAYLOR his children and only heirs at law;
that the petitioner herein was duly appointed administrator of the
estate of said TILFORD TAYLOR deceased and that Letters of
Administration were duly granted to him by this Court, bearing date on
the 15 day of November A.D. 1870, and the Court having ascertained that
said petitioner as administrator as aforesaid, has made a just and true
account of the condition of the estate of said deceased to this Court,
and that the personal estate of said deceased is not sufficient for the
payment of the debts of the said TILFORD TAYLOR deceased; and the Court
having found the amount of the deficiency aforesaid to be the sum of
Seventy & 18/100 dollars, besides interest and costs, and it further
appearing to the Court that the said TILFORD TAYLOR died seized of the
following described Real Estate situate in the County of White and State
of Illinois, to wit: The
South West 1/4 of the South West qr of Section 24 Town Four South Range
Eight East besides other real estate which has been heretofore sold by
said administrator. That
the petitioner as administrator as aforesaid on the 27th day of February
A.D. 1875 in pursuance of a decree of this Court sold the above
described tract of land at public sale and the same was but offered a
deed for same made to WILLIAM A. WHITING - that the said WILLIAM A.
WHITING failed to pay the last installment of the purchase money and
said petitioner foreclosed the mortgage he had taken to secure said
purchase money and at the sale by the Master in Chancery made by virtue
of said decree of foreclosure said petitioner purchased said real estate
as administrator as aforesaid for the amount of said debt and costs and
the time of redemption of said real estate from said Master's sale has
expired and the same has not been ordered. ESTATE
log chain 1.50; one lot of old plows and single trees 1.50; one lot of
old plows and 1 wagon tongue 0.75; one Bidwell plow 6.00; One horse plow
3.00; One grain shovel 0.50; Lot of old irons 0.50; One lot of carpenter
tools & irons 1.40; One wagon wrench 0.40; 1 cow bell 0.50; One
scythe & cradle & 1 brush scythe 2.50; 1/2 crosscut saw 1.50;
Two axes 1.50; One spade 1.25; One grain stone 0.50; One Lot of leather
6.00; One saddle & blanket 7.00;
One womans saddle 0.75; one lot of bridles & c 2.50; One lot
of plow gears and lines 8.00; One wash kettle and hook 2.50; One wash
tub & c 1.25; Two jars & 1 oil can & meal sacks 1.25; One
lot of old barrels 0.50; One lot of kitchen furniture 0.75; one spinning
wheel 1.00; One lot of leaf tobacco 5.00; One oil barrel 0.50; Lot of
lumber 9.00; Two feed baskets 0.60; Three bee gums 4.00; One cooking
stove & furniture 7.00; One safe & furniture 10.00; One table
and sundries 3.00; One clock 4.00; One lot of charis 3.50; One stand
table 1.00; One lot of Books (A. B. Israels Bible Series & maps)
4.00; One lot of books 1.50; One lot of shoe tools & c 0.75; One lot
of bedclothing 10.00; one bed bedstead bedding 25.00; one bed bedstead
bedding 18.00; one bed bedstead bedding 20.00; One trundle bed 8.00; One
ENFIELD RIFLE 3.00; one child's cradle 1.00; One box dried apples 1.00;
One lot of wheat (45 bushels more or less ) 33.75; One small white sow
and 3 pigs 7.00; One lot of 4 fat hogs first choice 42.00; One lot of 2
fat hogs second choice 19.00; One calf 5.00; seven head of sheep 7.00;
red cow 15.00; brown cow 18.00; one sorrel 35.00; one roan colt 45.00;
one sorrel horse 75.00; one sorrel mare & colt 90.00; 21 geese l.30; One lot of chickens 6.00; One two horse wagon 40.00;
one lot of corn at home 35.00; one fire shovel and andirons 0.50; one
lot of corn at J. B. ROSE's 21.25;
One sandy sow & six pigs 10.00;
Six head of hogs 24.00; one spotted sow & four pigs 5.00; One
lot of carpenters tools 2.75; One hoe ax & two wedges 2.00; One pich
(sic) fork 0.50; one white sow & eight pigs 12.00; eight-one bushels
wheat at 75 cents per bushel 60.75; ten bushels of oats at .30 pr bushel
3.00; Cash
on hand at time of Decease, PENSION DRAFT
$16.00 NOTES
do hereby certify that the above is a current inventory of the Real and
Personal Estate of TILFORD TAYLOR, Deceased.
Given under my hand, this Twentieth day of January
TAYLOR, Decased, In
pursuance of a decree of the County Court of White County, Illinois,
rendered in the above entitled cause, at the January Term, 1875,
thereof, I shall proceed at the door of the Court House in Carmi, White
County, Illinois on the 27th
day of February next,
between the hours of 10:00 o'clock, A.M. and 5 o'clock P.M. of said day,
to sell to the highest bidder the following described Real Estate
situate in the County of White and State of Illinois, to satisfy said
decree, to-wit: The
southwest fourth of the southwest quarter of section 24 town 4 south,
range 8 east. TERMS
OF SALE - On a credit of six and twelve months, equal payments,
purchaser to give notes with approved personal security and a mortgage
on the premises sold to secure the purchase money, January
25, 1875 PARTRIDGE
& PARKER, Atty's THE
any regular Minister of the Gospel, authorized to Marry by the custom of
the Church or Society to which he belongs; any Justice of the Supreme
Court; Judge of any Inferior Court, or Justice of the Peace, GREETING: YOU
ARE HEREBY LICENSED and permitted to celebrate and certify the RITES OF
according to the usual custom and Laws of the State of Illinois and for
so doing this shall be your sufficient warrant.
ELIZABETH JOHNSON was celebrated by me, this 17 day of March 1856
according to the usual custom and the laws of the State of Illinois.
under my hand and Seal this 5th day of May 1856. J. L. JAMISON, J.P. The
the matter of the Estate of MAHALA To
the Honorable ORLANDO BURRELL Judge of the County Court of White County
in the State of Illinois. The
petition of the undersigned respectfully represents that MAHALA TAYLOR
late of the County of White aforesaid, departed this life at her home in
said County on or about the 27 day of March A.D. 1882 leaving no last
will and testament as far as your petitioner know or believe. And
this Petition further shows that the said MAHALA TAYLOR died, seized and
possessed of Real and Personal Estate consisting chiefly of 5 cows and 1
two year old heifer and some household furniture., all of said personal
estate being estimated to be worth about fifty dollars.
That said deceased left surviving her:
your petitioner and LOUISA POWELL her children and several
grandchildren. That your
petitioner (being daughter of said deceased) and believing that the said
estate should be immediately administered, as well for the proper
management of said Estate as for the prompt collection of the assets, by
virtue of her rights under the Statue therefore pray that your Honor
will grant Letters of Administration to her.
In the premises upon her taking the oath prescribed by the
Statue, and entering into bond to such sum and with securities as
approved by your Honor. AMANDA
of Illinois AMANDA
M. JAMERSON being duly sworn, deposes and says that the facts in the
above petition are true, according to the best of her knowledge,
information and belief. Sworn
to and subsribed before me, JOHN R. KUYKENDALL, Clerk of the County
Court of White County, this 1st day of April 1882. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------WARRANT
of MAHALA TAYLOR, Deceased. The
people of the State of Illinois to JOHN FOLEY, LEROY NELSON and WHIT
NELSON of the County of White and State of Illinois, Greeting: This
is to authorize you to appraise the goods, chattels and personal estate
of MAHALA TAYLOR as the same shall come to your sight and knowledge,
each of you have first taken the
oath hereto annexed; a
certificate whereof you to return, annexed to an Appraisement Bill of
said goods, chattels and personal estate, by you appraised in dollars
and cents; and in said bill of appraisement you are to set down in a
column or columns opposite to each art'cle appraised, the value
thereof.. WITNESS,
JOHN R. KUYKENDALL, Clerk of the County Court of White County,
and the seal of said Court, 5th day of April 1882.
and each of us, do solemnly swear, that we will well and truly, without
partiality or prejudice, value and appraise the chattels and personal
estate of MAHALA TAYLOR, deceased, so far as the __shall come to our
sight and knowledge; and that we will in all respects perform our duties
as appraisers, to the best of our skill and judgement. Subscribed
and sworn to, this 8th day JOHN
N(?). WILSON, Justice of the Peace LEROY
BILL Estate
of MAHALA TAYLOR, Deceased. An Appraisement Bill of the Goods, Chattels, and Personal Estate of MAHALA TAYLOR, late of said County, deceased, made by virtue of the annexed warrant
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AFFIDAVIT
ANDREW T.(?) JOY one of the publishers of the Carmi Weekly Times, a
weekly newspaper of general
circulation, printed and published at Carmi, White County, Illinois,
being duly sworn, on oath say, that the advertisement hereunto annexed
was published in said paper three consecutive weeks.
The first publication being on the 11th day of April 1882, and
the last publication being on the 25th day of April 1882, thereafter. Printer's
Fees For Publication: $3.00 ANDREW
T(?). JOY
undersigned having been appointed Administratrix of the estate of MAHALA
TAYLOR, late of the County of White and State of Illinois, deceased,
hereby gives notice that he will appear before the County Court of White
County, at the Court House, in Carmi, at the June term, on the third
Monday in June next, at which time all persons having claims against
said Estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of
having the same adjusted. All
persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment
to the undersigned. AMANDA
M. JAMERSON, Admr'x. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A
bill of appraisement of the specific property allowed by law to MAHALA
TAYLOR Widow of SAMUEL TAYLOR deceased for herself and 2 children Necessary
Household and kitchen furniture for self and family.....$23.15 We
the undersigned appraisers of the personal property of SAMUEL TAYLOR,
Deceased, do hereby certify that the above entered Bill of Appraisement
of the specific property allowed by law to MAHALA TAYLOR, Widow of
SAMUEL TAYLOR, Deceased, for herself and children, made out by us
according to the best of our skill and judgement. Given
under our hands and seals this 28th day of March A.D. 1856.
JESSE (his X mark)
(seal) The
Estate of L. L. TAYLOR (LEROY L. TAYLOR), He
was married to Norah D. Leatherman.
Their marriage license (19 April 1891) lists his name as
"Noah L.", but I think this was an error by the
transcriptionist in
transcribing his bride's name as "Norah", not
"Noah". NO where
else is his name listed as Noah. It
is always Leroy L. or L.L. Taylor: PETITION
the Hon. J. C. PEARCE Judge of the County Court of White County, in the
State of Illinois . The
petition of the undersigned JOHN N. NULL respectfully represents that L.
L. TAYLOR late of the County of White aforesaid, departed this life at
his residence in said County, on or about the 27th day of October A.D.
1895, having no last will and testament so far as your peitioner knows
or believes. And
this Petition further shows that the said L. L. TAYLOR died, seized and
possessed of Real and Personal Estate consisting chiefly of: All
of said personal estate being estimated to be worth about Seventy
Dollars. That said deceased
left surviving him NORA TAYLOR his widow, and OSCAR TAYLOR and ARTHUR
TAYLOR (Arthur has since died) his children, as heirs.
That your petitioner (being) requested by the Widow of said
deceased and believing that the said estate should be immediately
administered, as well for proper management of said estate as for the
prompt collection of assets, by virtue of his right under the Statute
therefore prays that your Honor will grant Letters of Administration to
him in the premises, upon his taking the oath prescribed the Statute and
entering into bond in such sum and with securities as may be approved by
your Honor.
to and subscribed before me A. S. CUSHMAN, Notary Public White Co. this
25th day of May A.D. 1897.
now comes the petitioner by N. HOLDERBY his solicitor and presents his
petition herein, asking for leave to sell the real estate of said
deceased, described therein, to pay the debts of said deceased, and it
satisfactorily appearing to the Court that the defendants NORA D. TAYLOR
and DENNIS O. TAYLOR have been duly served with summons here
by the Sheriff of White County at least ten days prior to the
first day of the present Term of this Court and said defendant, NORA D.
TAYLOR having failed to appear and plead, answer or demur to said
petition, it is therefore ordered by the Court that the said adult
defendant, NORA D. TAYLOR, not answering be called.
And she being three times solemnly called, came not, nor any one
for her but herein fails and makes default; which is ordered to be
entered of record and a decree pro confesso entered against her herein;
and it further appearing to the Court that the said DENNIS O. TAYLOR is
a minor a d has no Guardian; and the court having appointed C. G. HOWELL
guardian ad Litem for said infant defendant and afterwards the said C.
G. HOWELL as such Guardian ad Litem comes and files his answer herein,
neither admitting or denying the allegations in said petition contained,
but reserving the right of said minor by requiring proof.
And this cause having been brought on to be heard upon the
petition herein taken as confessed by the adult defendant NORA D. TAYLOR
which the Court finds was filed on the 10th day of July 1897; the answer
of said Guardian ad Litem and replication thereto, and the exhibits and
proofs and the testimony of CALVARY COX a witness duly sworn who
testified herein in open Court that he knew L. L. TAYLOR in his lifetime
and that he departed this life intestate on or about the 27th day of
October 1895, leaving NORA D. TAYLOR, his widow and WILLIAM A. TAYLOR
and DENNIS O. TAYLOR his only children and only heirs at law since
surviving that the said WILLIAM A. TAYLOR died intestate on or about the
___day of ____1897 long since the death of his father L. L. TAYLOR and
that WILLIAM A. TAYLOR was a minor at the time of his death and left his
mother NORA D. TAYLOR and his brother DENNIS O TAYLOR as his only heirs
and that the said DENNIS O. TAYLOR is now a minor and
that the father said L. L. TAYLOR was living on land herein
described at the time of his death.
it satisfactorily appearing to the Court from the evidence that the said
L. L. TAYLOR departed this life on or about the 27th day of October A.D.
1895, leaving NORA D. TAYLOR his widow and WILLIAM TAYLOR and DENNIS O.
TAYLOR, his children and only heirs at law him surviving, and that the
said WILLIAM TA. YLOR departed this life intestate on or about the
___day of 1897 since the death of the said L. L. TAYLOR his father, that
said WILLIAM A. TAYLOR left surviving him NORA D. TAYLOR
his mother and DENNIS O. TAYLOR his brother his only heirs at
law; that the petitioner herein was duly appointed Administrator of the
estate of L. L. TAYLOR deceased, and that Letters was duly granted to
him by this Court, bearing date on teh 26th day of May A.D. 1897 and the
Court having ascertained that said petitioner JOHN N. NULL as aforesaid,
has made a just and true account of the condition of the estate of the
said L. L. TAYLOR deceased; and the Court having found the amount of the
deficiency aforesaid to be the sum of Three Hundred and Forty-Four and
15/100 dollars, besides interest and costs, and it further appearing to
the Court that the said L. L. TAYLOR died seized of the following
described real estate, situate in the County of White and State of
Illinois to wit: The
undivided one half (1/2) interest in the South East fourth of the North
West quarter of Section Nineteen (19)in Township Four (4) South and
Range Eight (8) East............................. In
the White County Court, In Probate Petition
to Sell Real Estate to Pay Debts - REPORT OF SALE. To
Hon. JAMES C. PEARCE Judge of said Court:
In the matter of the application of JOHN N. NULL, Administrator
of the Estate of L. L. TAYLOR, Deceased, to seall Real Estate, the said
JOHN N. NULL Administrator as aforesaid charged with the execution of
the order of sale entered in said cause at the last August term of this
Court would respectfully submit the following report of his acts and
doings under said order. That
in pursuance of said order of sale, he did, on the 18th day of August
A.D. 1897 put up notice of the sale of said Real Estate, in said order
directed to be sold, in four of the most public places in said County of
White to wit: One
at the Post Office at Springerton, one at JOHN SPRINGER'S store in
Springerton, one at Number 7 School House; and one at near County line
near land sold, a copy of which notice with proof of such posting is
here to attached. I did on
the 18th day of September A.D. 1897 between the hours of 10 o'clock in
the afternoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at Front door
of Court House in Carmi in White county in the State of Illinois, offer
for sale at public vendue the Real Estate described in said order and
decree. And
WILLIAM P. MUSGRAVE bid the sum of One Hundred and Sixty Five dollars
for the: Undivided
One Half (1/2) interest (More or less) in the South East fourth of the
North West quarter of Section Nineteen (19) in the Township Four (4)
South and Range Eight (8) East in White County, Illinois. And
the said WILLIAM P. MUSGRAVE being the highest bidder for the said Real
Estate described so sold as aforesaid, the same was struck off to him at
the sum aforesaid. That
thereupon the said WILLIAM P. MUSGRAVE having paid the purchase price to
wit $165.00 in cash with the 50p interest for the 6 and 12 months, the
undersigned executed to said WILLIAM P. MUSGRAVE a deed of the said
premises, so sold as aforesaid, and delivered the same to him. All
of which is respectfully submitted and an order confirming all the said
acts and doings is hereby prayed for. JOHN
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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