The Will of Abraham Peer
This Will was transcribed and contributed by Sharlene Coontz Meyer. Thanks!
Will of Abraham Peer Last
Will and Testament of In
the name of God Amen. I, Abram Peer of the County of Hamilton and State of
Illinois do make ordain and publish this my Last Will and Testament. I
desire that all my just debts be paid with my personal expenses; that my
entire personal property at my death shall immediately ____ in my beloved
wife, Mary Ann Per, consisting of household and kitchen furniture, beds
and bedding, cooking utensils, farming implements, wagon, harnesses,
horses, cattle, hogs, sheepe and with any money owing on hand (if any)
debts, due or owing to me, that she shall out of said, personal estate,
pay the debts I may owe in her own way as she may determine without
administration. The south1/4 of the SE ¼ of the NE gr of section 24, Town
3N 6, twenty acres and the NE ¼ SE gr of Sec 23 1/3 NE forty acres, not
being heretofore conveyed I now convey the NE ¼ of the SE gr. of Section
23 lvng to my beloved wife, Mary Ann Peer in fee simple. The
S ½ of the SE ¼ NE gr of Section 24 above described to Stephen A. L.
Peer in fee simple. My other children not provided for herein I have given
heretofore of lands and personal property according to my ability and
therefore make this my bequests here. I
will that my beloved wife shall after the Probate of my Will be at no
other expense and she proceed in the sittleing of my affairs without-bond,
or accounting to anyone except my creditors. Abram
X (his mark) Peer (Seal) Signed
and dated in person Ofs
of C. Clerk John B. Smith_______ Margaret
D.Smith____ |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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