The Will of Samuel Mann
This Will was transcribed and contributed by Sharlene Coontz Meyer. Thanks!
Will of Samuel Mann The
Last Will and Testament Of
Samuel Mann of the town of Twigg in the County of Hamilton and State of
Illinois made and published the seventh day of May in the year of our Lord
One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine, In
the Name of God, Amen. I,
Samuel Mann of the town of Twigg in the County of Hamilton and State of
Illinois of the age of seventy four years, and being of sound mind and
memory, do hereby make, publish and declare this my LAST WILL AND
TESTAMENT in manner following, that is to say: First.—It
is my will, that my funeral expenses and my just debts be fully paid. Second.—I
give and devise to my daughter, Cora Smith, my year old red heifer called
"Little Black Head". All
the rest and residue of my property real, personal, and mixed I give,
devise and bequeath to my remaining sons and daughters, share and share
alike, towit to Eva Bridewell, Ida Hicks, George Mann, Ruth Dees, John
Mann and Will Mann, and it is my will that if my said sons and daughters
last mentioned can agree upon a division of my property among themselves
that they make such division, and that if they are unable to make such
division that my executor hereinafter named shall sell my said property at
public or at private sale and distribute the proceeds of such sale in
equal shares to each with the express provision that my said daughter,
Cora Smith, is to receive as part of such division or distribution, the
revision first made for her being all that is my will for her to have. Lastly.—I
hereby nomination and appoint ___Will Mann___ to be the Executor of this
my last Will and Testament, hereby revoking all former Wills by me made. In
Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and seal, the seventh day of
May in the year of our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and Nine. ________Samuel
X (his mark) Mann (Seal) Witness
to mark: ____Alexander
Hood____ ____Alvin
A. Young_____ The
above instrument consisting of (three pages) one sheet was now here
subscribed by me and sealed by Samuel Mann, the Testator, in the presence
of each of us and was at the same time published and declared by him to be
his Last Will and Testament and we at his request sign our names hereto in
his presence as attesting witnesses: ______Alexander
Hood_____ _____Alvin
A Young_______ _____Dr.
John Arthur Johnson____ |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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