The Will of John Lowry
This Will was transcribed and contributed by Sharlene Coontz Meyer. Thanks!
Will of John Lowry IN
John Lowry, Senr of the County of Hamilton, and the State of Illinois,
being very aged and weak in body but of sound mind and disposing memory do
in the first place commit my soul to the care of God who gave it, dispose
of my timporal affects in the Following manner. First—In
the first place, I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Elizabeth Lowry
(after my just debts and funeral expences are paid) all and every part of
my personal estate to her own disposal and benefit so that no sale of
property need be by any but herself or by her concent as agent for her— Secondly—I
bequeath to son, Light Lowry, my rifle gun and wagon. And tools I wish
they be equally divided among my five sons, Pearson A. Lowry, ,John Lowry,
David Lowry, Light W. Lowry and Young S. Lowry. And after the death of my
said wife, Elizabeth Lowry, all the remaining property to be sold to the
best advantage and the money equally divided amongest her children – as
for my children by my first wife, I have portioned them off when they
became of age and left me. – My daughter, Francis Taylor, I wish my wife
do for her as she sees cause to do. This
being my Last Will and Testament, I hereunto set my hand and seal this
14th day of June, 1848. _____John
X (his mark) Lowry (seal) Witnesses:
Allen________ Thomas
Burton____ |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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