The Will of Felix Kaufman
This Will was transcribed and contributed by Sharlene Coontz Meyer.. Thanks!
Will of Felix Kaufman TESTAMENT The undersigned Felix Kaufmann, give and bequeath all what I, have in possessing or own in property and Land, to my Wife, Christina Kaufman born Schuster. 1. Whatfore She hat to pay all the debt which I, singed with my hand 2. I, owing my brother John Kaufman $20 say twenty Dollars, which She hath to pay, this twenty Dollars. She cane pat it, in one or two years. 3. She shall not charge my sister Katharina Kaufmann anything fore boarding her child as long as I live. 4. I, give, and bequeath Albert and Anton Kaufmann the fourty acres Land which joining his Land, lying as follows NW, quarter of NE quarter sect 32, T3, R6 at the first place with the condition if they stay with her Mother, hath one or the other stay with the Mother, then his share will fall to that one who stay with the Mother. 5. No person can't sell my Wife anything. 6. After her dead falls everething to four children. 7. Stay everething in my hand as long as I, live, then as long as I live they have to do what I, say. Felix Kaufmann Done this 2th May, 1860 As witnesses signed: A.
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