The Will of David Garrison
*Contributed by Gail
Hahn Hutchcraft. Thanks, Gail!
August 30, 1857
Hamilton Co., IL
Will Box 1; File #55
Date Filed: August 1, 1858
Typed as written
In the name of God Amen. I David Garrison of
the county of Hamilton and State of Illinois, being of sound mind and
memory do make ordain and publish this my last will and testament hereby
revoking every other. After my just debts and funeral expenses are
paid, I give and bequeath unto my son David Garrison all my out door
property consisting of Horses cattle sheep hogs and farming tools and
all property of like nature. Which he may retain in kind or
dispose thereof as truly as I now of right might do without appraisement
or further administration than the record of these presents also all
increase in stock grain that may be raised or acquired by me or on said
farm. My indoor property, beds, bedding chest, trunks, and all
household and kitchen furniture, also moneys on hand or loaned to my
wife Elizabeth Garrison, to be kept or disposed of as she may think best
in her own right--and use without regard to value. I also give and
bequeath to my youngest son David Garrison also my home farm it being
the SWgsSwgs of Section 14 and the NWgsNWgs
of section 23 and sixteen acres off the north end of the SWgsof
the NW gs of section 23 all in Township 3 south of ___ 6 East of
the 3rd principal meridian. My other children Nathan Garrison, Seman Garrison, Edith Barnes, Mary Austin, John Garrison, Nancy Grey, James Garrison & Jesse Garrison having each had their portion by way of advancement heretofore are therefore excluded from the benefits herof this 30th day of August AD 1857. I also bind my son David Garrison as legatee with the comfortable maintenance of his mother during her natural life. Signed and sealed the day and year before Written. David (X) Garrison State of Illinois} We do solemnly swear that we were present, and saw David Garrison the
within Testator, sign the within Will, and he acknowledged the same to
be his act and deed, and that their believed and do still believe that
he was of sound mind and memory on the time of signings and
acknowledging the same sworn to subscribed to in open court Augt 11,
1858} |
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