The Will of Sarah Davis
*Contributed by Gail
Hahn Hutchcraft. Thanks, Gail!
November 21, 1929
Witnesses: Polly Davis, Lora Young and Z W Young
Typed as written
State of Illinois} County of Hamilton} In the name of God amen. I Sarah E. Davis of the village of Broughton county of Hamilton a& State of Ills being of sound mind and memory do make this my last will & testament. I direct that all my just debts together with the expense of my last sickness and my funeral expenses is be paid. Also I direct that a monument be put to my grave similar to the one I put to the grave of my husband S. M. Davis. After the expense of administrating this will is paid together with all other necessary expenses I direct that one Hundred Dollars ($100) be given to the Pleasant Grove Cemetery in the town of Rector Saline County Ills to be kept invested a perpetual fund -- the interest only to used for the care of the said cemetery. I further direct that if there be a residue left after meeting the foregoing stipulations that Seventy five dollars ($75) be placed in the First State Bank of Broughton Ills to be kept invoiced by the said Bank as a perpetual fund for the purpose of caring for the graves of my parents Zachariah Allen and Frances S. Allen together with the graves of my two sisters, Elisabeth Barnett & Mary J. Allen & their families who are buried in the Gholson cemetery near Broughton Ills and I hereby appoint the said First State Bank of Broughton Ills my trustee to administer this trust fund and direct that this trust shall be perpetual and shall descend to its successors forever. Should there be a residue left after meeting the foregoing stipulations I direct that it shall be given to the Pleasant Grove cemetery in addition to the One Hundred dollars ($00) Already provided for the said cemetery. And I hereby appoint Z. W. Young of Eldorado Ills my sole Executor of this will and direct that he be not required to give bond as such executor. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this 21st day of November in the year of our Lord 1929. Sarah E. Davis (Seal) Signed: Polly Davis (Seal); Lora Young (Seal) and Z. W. Young (Seal) |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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