The Will of Arden
This Will was transcribed and contributed by Sharlene Coontz Meyer. Thanks!
Will of Arden Biggerstaff Written: March 2, 1840 Last
Will of Arden Biggerstaff I,
Arden Biggerstaff, this day being weak in body but sound in mind do make
this my last will and testment in the Name of God Amen. I do bequeath
unto my wife, Eliza, the mules, filley and her saddle and all the house
hold and kitchen furniture and all the flock of sheepe and two of the
best cows and calves and ten had of the best hogs and the land , the
North West quarter of the North West quarter of Section in Township
Five, South of Range Seven, East containing eighty acres of which I wish
it to be equal divided between my two sons Lewis and Milac? M. and I
wish my two daughters to have one hundred dollars each when they become
of age. It
is my will that all of my personal property be for sale and after all my
debts are paid, the balance to be equal divided between my wife, Eliza
Biggerstaff and my two sons, Lewis L. Biggerstaff and Milac? M.
Biggerstaff and the income of the land to go to the support of the
family untill the boys become of age ------- and the lots that myself
and William Wheeler purchased of Charles McClain ???? lying in
McClainsborough, it is my wish that Lewis ?? to take my part of said
lots in McClainsborough and pay the same amount that I have for them by
there numbers on the plat of said town US Sat No. and Sat ??? Sat W. So
& Sat No. 63 and it is my wish that Lewis (Lane?) be the
administrator of the Estate of the deceased and of ??? for my heirs this
tenth day of March 1840 have on this day put my hand and affix my seal. Arden
Biggerstaff (Seal) Witnesseth:
Hearns Wesley
(his x mark) Biggerstaff Joel
P. Lane State
of Illinois Be
it remember that this day came before me the undersigned probate justice
Westly Biggerstaff & Joel Lane personally known to me and after
being duly sworn says that they assigned my will as wittnesses & at
the request of S ? testator & also that the S ? assigned his own
name and they believe that he was of sound mind and memory at the time
of assigning the name. Sworn
to before me this 7 day. March, 1840 B.
Hood (mark) |
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to Hamilton County Wills
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