The Will of Alfred
(Box 13 - Hamilton County; written
June 19, 1862)
This Will was transcribed by Carol Lee Yarbrough and typed as written. When in doubt, I have so indicated.
Will of Alfred Biggerstaff In the Name of God Amen. I Alfred Biggerstaff of the County of Hamilton and State of Illinois of the age of fifty seven years and being of sound mind and memory do make, publish and declare this my last will and testament in maner following that is to say. First-It is my will that all my just debts be paid. Second-I give and bequeath unto my wife Evalin Biggerstaff one gray horse eight or nine years old and sorrel mare and colt (more about seven years old) and one yoke of oxen five years old last spring and four cows and calves and twenty head of sheep and all of my hogs. Third-I give and bequeath unto my son Thomas Biggerstaff the sum of one dollar. To my son Morgan A. Biggerstaff the sum of one dollar. To my son Silas Biggerstaff the sum of one dollar. The above sums of money to be paid to my sons Thomas, Morgan A. and Silas Biggerstaff within one year of my decease and to my son Albert Biggerstaff one roan horse two years old and one saddle (which horse and saddle he has now in possession) and to my son Andrew Biggerstaff one horse saddle and bridle worth sixty dollars and to my son Samuel Biggerstaff one horse saddle and bridle worth sixty dollars. Fourth-I give and bequeath unto my daughters Patsy E. Connelly the sum of fifty dollars and one sorrell mare cold (?) one year past, one bed and bedding and one cow worth six dollars and to my daughter Elizabeth Biggerstaff the sum of fifty dollars and one colt or thirty dollars in money in ___ ____ and one cow or six dollars in lieu thereof and one good ordinary bed and bedding or the worth thereof in money. The above bequest that is to be paid in money is not to be paid until my executor certain promissary notes which I hold against Silas Biggerstaff and Thomas Biggerstaff and John Gilham. Fifth-I give and Bequeath unto my wife Evaline Biggerstaff all my real estate of every name and nature whatsoever during her widowhood or natural life. At the death or marriage of my Evaline Biggerstaff the above bequested real estate of every name and nature is to ____ to and belong to my three younger sons, Albert Biggerstaff, Andrew Biggerstaff and Samuel Biggerstaff to be divided equally between them--share and share alike to have and to hold the ____above described to the said Albert, Andrew and Samuel Biggerstaff theire heirs and assignees forever. Sixth-I give and bequeath all the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate goods and chattles of what nature or kind soever to my wife Evaline Biggerstaff whom I hereby appoint Sole Executor of this my last will and testament and I hereby authorize her to sell such of the personal property as she may think proper either by public or private sale as she may think best and after paying the above bequests the balance to be used by her for the support of herself and minor children. I hereby revoke all former wills by one made in witness whereof I have her unto set my hand and seal this nineteenth day of June 1862. Alfred
(his X mark) Biggerstaff {{Seal}} The above instrument consisting of one sheet was at the date thereof signed sealed published and declared by the said Alfred Biggerstaff as and for his last will and Testament in presence of us who at his at request and in his presence and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses thereto: William P. Garrison; Samuel C. Orr State
of Illinois}} On the 23 day of August 1862 came William P. Garrison and Samuel C. Orr subscribing witnesses to the written Will who being duly sworn depose and say that they were present and saw the within named Testator Alfred Biggerstaff sign by mark his name to said Will in the presence and heard him acknowledge the same to be his act and deed that they did then believe and do still believe that said Testator was of sound mine and memory at the time of signing of the same. Signed: W. P. Garrison; Samuel C. Orr Subscribed and sworn to in open court 23 Aug 1862. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal of said court. J. W. Marshall, Clerk |
to Hamilton County, IL
to Hamilton County Wills
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