Foremost Business Men of Dahlgren, Ill.
This photo comes from an unknown Newspaper and it's not dated. The picture is taken in front of the Alligator Hotel in Dahlgren, Illinois between the years 1908-1920. It is noted that the wall Kennedy Grocery can be seen in the far left. |
Kuykendall, Mr. Hook, Greg Jenkins, Sol Aydt, Charles Gamble, Billy Gamble,
Walter Rawls, Dr. Koones, M. D., Dr. Whited, M. D., Roscoe Winkler, Dick
Oglesby, Dr. Creemens, M. D.
Row (Left to Right Standing)
Dulaney, Joe Giltz, Mr. Koones, Jack Lowery, Dr. Logan, Dentist, J. P. Stelle,
John Going, Charles Aydt, ?, T. D. Rhodes, Mr. Snodsmith, Same Sharp, Mr.
Rhodes, Harry Spicer.
Row (Right to Left)
Bowen, Rob Aydt, Lawrence Aydt, Omer Goin, Ed Mitchel, Charles Porter, Will
Allen, Preacher Cravans, Al Campbell, Oscar Aydt, E. Z. Cates, Ed Sawyar, John
Clark, George Boster, Ottie Burton, Bill Harshberger, Arthur Jines.
on Porch (Right to Left)
Goin, Homer Maulding, Preacher Harmes, Charlie DeWitt, Charles Glenn, Charles