Old Photos

Logan's first school -- 1911
Franklin Co., IL

*Contributed by Angel Prince.  Thanks, Angel!

Logan School - 1911

R. Walter Hawthorne, Teacher

Left to right

1st row: ?, Ralph Prince, Joe Devoy, John Biggerstaff, Gilbert Church, Cecil Prince, Audey Bagley, ?, Fred Smith

2nd row: Nora McMahan, Molly Nance, Opal Malone or L. Ducan, Nellie Smith, Cora Biggerstaff, Ruby, Mary, Nora

3rd row: Bill Campbell, Elvis Malone, Ruby Campbell, Gladys Church, ?, Laurleen Duncan, Molly Nance, Rollie Pierce

Row 4: ?, Ida Prince, Edith Campbell, Katy McMahan, Lawrence Malone, Albert Moore, Water Hawthorne (teacher)

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