Old Photos

Contributed by Carolyn O'Neal.  Thanks, Carol!

Aden School: Class of 1952-53

Class of 1952-53

First row from left: David Musgrave, Roger Beard, Jerry Hall, Jimmy Herrin

Second row from left: Johnny Wilson, Clarence Steele, Robert Starks, Norman Friend, Dale Hall, 'Ronnie Redmon, Darrell Starks

Third row from left: Lowell Issac, Lois Jean Hall, Flo Ann Redmon, Margie Cross, Barbara Steele, Mary Rose Steel, Carolyn Sue Collins, Della Starks, Linda Redmon

4th row from left: Connie Trotter, Gilbert Wilson-teacher, Lela Kay Trotter, Doris Richards

Teacher: Gilbert Wilson

Students identified by Karlah Hutchcraft.

UPDATE:  Contributed by Karlah Hutchcraft.  

The students for the Aden School District #60 for the school year 1951-1952:

1.   Jerry Hall
2.   Virgil Petty
3.   Della M. Starks
4.   Mary R. Steele
5.   Norman Wheeler
6.   Jerry Petty
7.   Darrell Starks
8.   Dale Lee Hall
9.   Larry Richards
10. John R. Wilson
11. Ronnie Redmon
12. Clarence Steele
13. Doris Richards
14. Floann Redmon
15. Lela K. Trotter
16. Barbara Steele
17. Norman Friend
18. Robert Starks
19. Gary McCormick
20. Lowell Isaacs
21. Connie Trotter
22. Lois J. Hall
23. Margie Gross
24. Donna Mullenix

The students for the 1952-1953 school year were:

1.   Linda Redmon
2.   David Musgrave
3.   Roger Beard
4.   Karen Trotter
5.   Jerry D. Hall
6.   Della M. Starks
7.   Mary R. Steele
8.   Carolyn Collins
9.   Darrell Starks
10. Dale H. Hall
11. Jimmy Herrin
12. Larry Richards
13. Ronnie Redmon
14. Johnny Wilson
15. Clarence Steele
16. Doris Richards
17. Lela K. Trotter
18. Floann Redmon
19. Barbara Steele
20. Gary McCormick
21. Norman Friend
22. Lowell Isaacs
23. Robert Starks
24. Connie Trotter
25. Lois J. Hall
26. Margie Gross

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