Old Newspaper Clippings
From: St. Louis Globe Democrat, July 27, 1911 FATHER STOPS ELOPEMENT Illinoisan Who Runs Away with Cousin Held on Abduction Charges McLeansboro, Ill. July 26.--Chas. E. Pennington and Miss Goldie Wooldridge, living in the south part of Hamilton County, were sweethearts and cousins. The young woman's parents frowned on their courtship. Last night the young couple were at a singing school in the district schoolhouse, and during a recess they decided to get married. Arrangements were made to reach McLeansboro in time to board the midnight train going east. David B. Wooldridge, father of the girl, soon learned what was on foot and at once began a race against time for the station to intercept the couple. Reaching town, he aroused the sheriff, Andy Crouse, and the two arrived at the station just as the train bearing the fugitives was pulling out. The agent informed them the couple had purchased tickets for Enfield, a station twelve miles east, so Sheriff Crouse, after some delay, notified an officer at that place to arrest the two. On arriving in Enfield the couple proceeded to the hotel, where Pennington registered as C. Edwards. They were arrested and brought back to McLeansboro on the morning train. The irate father had the young man taken before Police Magistrate W. R. Daniel, where he waived $700 bond to await the action of the grand jury on a charge of abduction. The young man is 27 years of age and the young lady is 17 years old. If Pennington had married the girl he would have violated the state law forbidding the marriage of cousins. The maximum penalty for abduction is ten years in prison. Love won out! Carol's note:
According to Charles Edward's obituary, he did in fact marry Golda Ann
Wooldridge eventually. |
to Hamilton County
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