Old Newspaper Clippings

From: Times, March 16, 1922

(C. Albert Mitchell)

         I will offer for sale at my farm, three miles north of McLeansboro on the Belle City road, near Blooming Grove church, on Tuesday March 21, 1922 commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., the following described property:

        One bay horse, coming 4 years old, about 16  1/2 hands high, guaranteed to be all right in every way; one black colt, coming 3 years old, about 15 hands high; two mules, about 15 hands high, coming 3 years old; two mules, about 14 1/2 hands high, coming 3 years old; one 2 year old Holstein heifer, will freshen about the last of April; one Jersey cow, 5 years old, with calf by her side; one Jersey cow, 6 years old, will freshen about April 15th; one John Deere manure spreader, almost new; one Brown wagon, one hack with surrey top; one McCormick binder, guaranteed to work all right; one Check row corn planter; one 12 disc John Deere; one 10 ft. section harrow, almost new; one good 11-ince breaking plow; one Pilot disc cultivator; one McCormick mower; one McCormick rake; one shovel; Indiana wheat drill; one sled; one grinding stone, a good one; one barrel hay frame; one organ, guaranteed to be in good condition; some harness; collars and bridles; some red rust proof seed oats also some yellow seed corn.

        TERMS: All sums of $5.00 and under, cash in hand.  Over that amount a credit of 9 months will be given, purchaser to give bankable note, drawing 7 per cent interest from date of sale.  A discount of 2 percent will be given for cash on sums requiring a note.  No property to be removed until settled for.

        Lunch will be served by Blooming Grove Ladies Aid.

A. M. Sneed, Auctioneer
Geo. P. Mitchell, Clerk

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