Old Newspaper Clippings

From: Times, March 29, 1917

(W. D. Miller)

I will offer at public sale at my store, 2 1/2 miles east of Thackeray, on 
Monday, April 2, 1917,
commencing at 10 o'clock a.m., the following personal property:

        One black horse, 5 years old, 15 1/2 hand high, an excellent driver; one sorrel mare, 9 years old, 14 1/2 hand high; one gray mare, 12 3/4 hands high, in foal by a jack, one sorrel horse, 2 years old, 15 hands high; one cow, 7 years old, will be fresh soon, a good one; two-yearling heifers; one Independent mower, good as new; one section harrow; one Hawkins shovel cultivator; one 1-horse drill; one McCormick hay rake; two wagons, one set leather wagon harness; about two tons of hay; 50 bushels of corn and numerous other articles.

        Terms of Sale--All sums of $5.00 and under, cash in hand; over that amount a credit of nine months will be given, purchaser to give note with approved security drawing 7 per cent interest.  Terms of sale must be complied with before property is removed.  5 percent discount for cash on sums requiring note.

W. D. Miller
A. M. Sneed, Auctioneer

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