Old Newspaper Clippings
From: McLeansboro Times, May 29, 1924 KLANTAUQUA GOES OVER DESPITE BAD WEATHER The three days Klantauqua staged here under the big tent in the courtyard under the auspices of the Knights of the Ku Klux Klan closed Monday night and was reported as being financially successful despite the inclement weather which no doubt kept many from attending. Some very excellent talent appeared on the program during the three days session, and at times the tent was filled to overflowing. Three big spectacular parades were staged by the local Klan in full regalia on each of the three nights the Klantauqua was in session, and these were witnessed by large crowds of people. The tent was moved from here to Robinson, Illinois where the next stand was made. The success of the Klantauqua and the interest it has aroused in this feature of outdoor entertainments should greatly help the local Woman's Club in putting over the still larger five days' chautaugua billed for this community June 10-24. From: McLeansboro Times, June 12, 1924 KU KLUX HELD BIG MEETING HERE SATURDAY NIGHT The Ku Klux Klan of this city staged an open air lecture here Saturday night in the court yard in behalf of their drive for new members, the speaker of the evening being Dr. Chas. D. McGehee, great titan. He was introduced by the Rev. Leroy J. Mitchell of Mt. Vernon. The speaker discoursed at length on his subject and was heard by a large concourse of people. Following the conclusion of the lecture a spectacular torch light parade was held around the public square, after which all repaired to the fairgrounds where naturalization ceremonies were held. It is reported that a large class was taken into the Klan. Several hundred Knights from neighboring towns were present at the lecture and ceremonies, automobiles being parked in every available space. It was the largest crowd that has been in this city for some time. |