Old Newspaper Clippings
From: The Constitution (Atlanta, GA) Wednesday September 20, 1911 HEARD - BLAND _______________ A marriage of interest to many old southern families is that of Miss Isabelle Marshall Heard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Silas Wright Heard, of "Cedarcroft," McLeansboro, Ill., and No. 5109 Cabanis avenue, St. Louis, Mo., and Mr. Charles Percival Bland, which will be a large and fashionable event on Saturday evening, September 23. Miss Heard is of the South Carolina and Georgia Heard family line and through her father's grandmother, Sarah Moore Heard, is descended from the colonial Moores of South Carolina. Through her father's mother, Isabelle Marshall Heard, she is of the family line of Chief Justice John Marshall. Miss Heard's mother is Annie, daughter of the late Judge John T. Harris, M. C. of Harrisburg, Va., of the Clayborn, Overton, Lewis families and of whose family the late William Harris Crawford, of Georgia, was a member. The Heards and Marshalls went from Normandy to England with William the conqueror. M. Bland, who is of the Virginia family, related to the Randolphs and other old Virginia families, is a son of Judge C. Bland, of the court of appeals, St. Louis, and a nephew of the late Richard P. ("Silver Dick") Bland, of Missouri. The wedding will occur at the residence of the bride-elect's parents in St. Louis. |