Old Newspaper Clippings

From: McLeansboro Times, March 8, 1917

Farm Dwelling and Contents Belonging to John E. Bond Burned

          While the family of John E. Bond, residing on a farm in the extreme north part of the county, were enjoying peaceful slumbers Tuesday night, they were disturbed by the roaring noise of flames which were leaping over the occupants of the beds.  Mr. Bond was the first to awake and immediately aroused his wife, who barely had time to get out of the room and escape suffocation.  He rushed into another room where his three children were sleeping and succeeded in carrying them safely out of the burning building.

          All that the family saved from the flames was what was picked up as they made their escape, some of them being lucky enough to get hold of some of the clothing worn that day, while others of the family had only their night clothes when they emerged into the open where a heavy snow fall and a cold wind made their suffering severe until they reached a neighbor's house and were given shelter for the night.

          The family had just recovered from smallpox and were fumigating the house that night by burning Sulphur in pans distributed over the house and it is supposed that the fire originated from this source.  It occurred at a time when the entire family was in the deepest of slumbers and it is almost a miracle that they did not meet death in the flames.

          Mr. Bond's loss is estimated at $1,500 with insurance amounting to $750.

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