Old Newspaper Clippings

From: The Times Leader - September 13, 1893

What's Going On


Charles Starkey, wife and son, of Cleveland, Mississippi, are visiting friends in this city.

Mr. C. E. Justice expects to return to her home in Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio, on Friday.

Dr. J. F. Edington and his wife, of Enfield, attended the funeral of Dr. DeFoe on Tuesday.

All kind of grains wanted, at the highest market price, at the new depot.  W. A. Coker & Sons.

Mrs. Alice Bozeman, of Carmi, has been the guest of her sister, Mrs. A. M. Wilson, this week.

If you want the best price for your grain, see W. A. Coker & Sons at the new depot before selling.

Mrs. Josie O'Brien is sick with malarial fever.

Esq. A. T. Sullenger has been quite sick this week.

Chas. Sturman, of Shawneetown, Sundayed at home.

Fresh vegetables of all kinds at S. J. Lockwood's.

Mrs. V. S. Benson is spending a few days at Chester.

Go to North side Millinary store for bargains in hats.

Never pass Aydt's when in need of harness or saddles.

Miss Jeffie Richards is visiting friends in Mt. Vernon.

Miss Stella Epworth is the guest of friends at Mt. Vernon.

Mrs. J. G. Wheeler, of Broughton, was here last Friday.

Cal Atkinson has accepted a position with F. J. Chapman.

Miss Annie Allen, of Centralia is visiting friends in this city.

C. C. Boster, postmaster at Macedonia was in town Monday.

Mrs. C. L. Young was the guest of friends at Carmi last week.

A. J. Randall, wife and daughter, are visiting friends in Carlyle.

Hats, cheaper than ever, at Mrs. E. F. Jones', for next ten days.

Walter Buck, of Jackson, Miss., is visiting friends in this county.

Miss Helen Hopkins, of Evansville, is the guest of Mrs. DeFoe.

Mrs. May Wilson, of Little Rock, Ark., is visiting friends here.

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