Medical Properties of Plants
From: Goshen Trails,
Vol. 12, No. 1 - January, 1976
Printed by permission
From an old doctor book:
Aloes -- It is cathartic, operating slowly, but certainly and has a particular affinity for the large intestines. It slightly stimulates the stomach and is an excellent remedy in habitual costiveness, attended with torpor of the digestive organ, administered in minute does. It is generally given in doses from five to fifteen grains. The best way, however, of administering it is in pills, combined with other articles. Avens, or Chocolate Root -- An eminent physician observes, "that it is an excellent remedy in all cases of the first stages of consumption, and in debility." It is preferable to Peruvian bark in the cure of intermittents, dysentery, chronic diarrhoea, wind, colic, affections of the stomach, asthmatic symptoms, and in cases of debility, whites, flooding, sore throat. It is good for fevers. After the proper evacuations, it may be given till the fever is broken up. The doses are daily, a pint of weak deconcoction, or about sixty grains of the powder, divided into three equal parts, mixed with honey. It is good for the cure of salt rheum, and scald head; make a strong tea of the root, and drink freely; and wash the humor frequently every day. Arrow Head -- Made into a strong decoction, it is good as a drink, and as a wash, in case of being bit by a mad dog. Black Snakeroot -- It is an astringent, promotes urinary evacuations, and general healthy action, aids menstrual discharges, is efficacious in removing pains, sickness of the stomach, and heartburn in pregnancy. Administer it in tea; take two ounces of the root, add a pint of boiling water, keep it in a warm place, and drink occasionally two or three swallows at a time, through the day. It may be used in connection with slippery elm before childbirth, as it generally assists nature in such cases. It is excellent in bowel complaints, especially in children. Blood Root -- It is excellent in coughs and croup. It is an emetic, and narcotic; produces perspiration, and menstrual discharges; is good in influenza, hooping cough, and phthisis. It is good in billious complaints, combined with Black cherry-tree bark, also in cases of scarlet fever and in catarrh. |