THE City of McLeansboro
Our Beautiful Homes--The Pride of McLeansboro |
J. C. Hall's Home J. C. Hall's home situated on his farm contiguous to the city limits, is indeed a most picturesque and delightful spot and one to which we point with pride, situated as it is on the hillside southeast of the city, the whole country for miles around forming a beautiful panorama scarcely seen or ever excelled. In this tract Mr. Hall has an orchard of twelve acres of choice apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, apricots, quinces and berries of different varieties. Besides this Mr. Hall owns some eighteen or twenty other farms in this and other counties, ranging in size form 40 to 600 acres, some well and others poorly improved. He desires to all but his home farm, as other business demands his attention. He will sell on time and terms as easy as any reasonable man could ask. Mr. Hall was born and reared in Hamilton county and has no desire to leave it. He has traveled north, south, east and west and is of the opinion that all things considered Hamilton county cannot be beaten--as many of the necessaries and luxuries of life can be had here as anywhere in the United States. After getting a good common school education here in his native county he attended Asbury (now Depaw) University at Greencastle, Ind., where he spent three years in the scientific department. Afterwards he graduated in the law department of the University of Chicago, and then located in McLeansboro, where he hopes to live the balance of his life. Those parties desiring good locations for farms will do well to correspond with Mr. Hall.
The above is one of McLeansboro's loveliest homes. The dwelling, a house of nine rooms, two large halls, cellar, is in the midst of a three acre plat of ground, studded over with many varieties forest trees--oak, maple, elm, dogwood, wild cherry, pine, cedar, juniper, japonica and walnut. On the north side is a small orchard of 125 trees--apple, pear, peach, plum and cherry. All are of the most select varieties. Several grape arbors are scattered over the premises. The dwelling, standing on slightly elevated ground, furnishes an excellent view of the surrounding portion of the city A six-foot sidewalk lies along the entire south and east sides, with a row of different kinds of forest trees on the outer edge. The ground is well grassed, lies gently rolling, presents a beautiful view. All things considered this is one of McLeansboro's choicest homes. Mr. Wiseman has recently purchased one of the leading jewelry establishments of Louisville, Ky., where he intends to make his future home, and for that reason he wishes to dispose of his property here. The property originally cost near $8,000. To any one interested a more minute description will be sent. In addition Mr. Wiseman has two farms near McLeansboro, one business block, which rents well, two dwellings, several vacant lots, and other property, all of which is for sale or exchange.
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