Henderson County Kentucky, March/April 1843 - Ovid Keach for Nunn - vs. H. C. Sandefur and Bennett Sandefur -
For use of William D. Nunn and $180 owed him from 1840 - Executed on Bennett Sandefer April the 20th 1843 - Joel L. Lambert for H. Alves. Noted This is only to be executed on Bennett Sandefur - att Will D. Allison, Clk
[On or before the first day of March 1842 we or either of us promise
to pay Ovid Ceeth the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars for value received of him.
My hand and seal this 17 December 1840.
Signed by: Henry C. Sandefur and Bennet Sandefur]
The Commonwealth of Kentucky to the Sheriff of Henderson County Greeting We command you to summons Henry C. Sandefur and Bennett Sandefur to appear before the judge of the Henderson Circuit Court at the courthouse in the town of Henderson on the first day of our next March term answer Obid Ceeth who sues for the use and benefit of William D. Nunn of a plea of debt (by petition summons) for one hundred and eighty dollars - and have ___ there this ___ witness William D. Allison Clerk of our ___Court at the Courthouse aforesaid the 1st day of March 1843 and in the 51st year of the Commonwealth /s/ Will D. Allison
Henderson Circuit Court
Obid Ceeth Plaintiff (who sues for the use & benefit of William D. Nunn) states that he holds a note on the defendants Henry C. Sandefur and Bennet Sandefer in substance as followeth - On or before the first day of March 1842 we or either of us promise to pay Obid Ceeth the sum of one hundred and eighty dollars for value received of him My hand and seal this the 17 of December 1840 s/Henry C. Sandefur Bennet Sandefur - Yet the said debt remains unpaid - wherefore he prays judgement for his debt and damages for the detention of the same together with his costs - Obid Ceeth - sues for the use & benefit of William D. Nunn /s/Powell, Atty.
Henderson County, Kentucky Deed Book J, Page 608, 31 March 1843 - Bennett Sandefur Jr. to Alexander Barrett
Know all men by these present that I, Bennett Sandefur, of the county of Henderson, and State of Kentucky, for and in consideration of the conditions herein after set forth and for the sum of five dollars to me in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, have granted, bargained and sold and by these present do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto Alexander B. Barrett, his heirs and assigns, forever the following named property to wit: That land or parcel of land on which I now reside containing about 200 acres situated and lying on the waters of Sputsman Creek conveyed to me by patent of the commonwealth of Kentuckyand will more fully appear by reference to said patent, one negro woman named Missouri, age about 15 yrs., her son named Stephen, age about 15 months, 6 horses, 10 head of horned cattle, 1 yoke of oxen and an ox cart, 27 sheep, 90 hogs, all my household and kitchen furniture, all my farming utensils, my present crop of tobacco, about 5,000 lbs. and one half of H. C. Sandefur crop of tobacco about 5,000 pounds which I purchased at Constable sale - to have and to hold unto him, Alex B. Barrett, his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims of all and any person whatever. Now the condition of the above obligation is such that whereas the said Bennett Sandefur is justly indebted to the said Alex B. Barret in the sum of four hundred dollars and thirteen cents for which he has this day executed his note to the said Barret due and payable one day after with interestat 6 percent per annum and whereas the said Sandefur will need goods and merchandise to supply his necessary wants to the amount of one hundred dollars or more which goods and merchandise the said Barret hereby agrees to supply and charge to the said Sandefur. Now if the said Sandefur shall well and truly pay or cause to be paid to the said Barret the amount of the before named note together with all interest, costs and charges that may occur thereon together with such amount as the said Sandefur may become indebted to the said Barret for the purchase of goods, wants and merchandise whatsoever shall become due together with all costs and charges that may occur thereon then this obligation is to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. In testimony whereof the said Bennett Sandefur has hereunto subscribed his hand and afixed his seal this 31st day of March, 1843.
s/Bennett Sandefur Seal
State of Kentucky, Henderson County
I William D. Allison, clerk of the county court for the county aforesaid do certify that this mortgage from Bennett Sandefur to A. J. Barret was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said Sandefur to be his act and deed and thereupon the same together with this certificate was this day truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this 31st day of March, 1843.
s/Will D. Allison
Henderson County, Kentucky,Book 5, Page 94- 3 February 1844 - Obid Ceeth vs. Henry C. Sandefur and Bennet Sandefur
WHEREAS, on the 3 day of February 1844 there issued from the clerk's office of the Henderson Circuit Court in the State of Kentucky an Execution or Writ of Fieri facias No 32 in favor of Obid Ceeth who sues for the use and benefit of William D. Nunn against Henry C. Sandefur and Bennet Sandefur for the sum of One Hundred & Eighty dollars debt, with interest from the 1st day of March 1842 and $8.72 1/2 cents costs of suit. Said writ being returnable to the 16th day of March 1844, came to the hands of Joel L. Lambert, Deputy Sheriff for H. Alves, Sheriff of Henderson County and was by him while the same was alive and in full force levied on a tract of land according to law and having caused the same to be valued by two disinterested house keepers of the said County according to law, the said Deputy Sheriff on the 25th day of March 1844 being County Court day for said County did expose to sale at the Court House door in the town of Henderson the said land and A. B. Barret being there & there the highest bidder, became the purchaser of said land for the sum of ten dollars, and the said Barret being the owner of said Fifa: no bond was taken. And afterwards on the 8th day of April 1844 there issued from the said Clerk's Office of said Court an execution No. 105 in favor of the said Obid Ceith for the benefit of William D. Nunn against the said Henry C. & Bennet Sandefur for the said sum of one hundred and eighty dollars with interest from the 1st day of March 1842 and for $9.24 cts costs of suit, subject to a credit of $9.50 made 25th March 1844 as per Sheriff's return on former fifa; said execution was returnable to the 15th day of June 1844, came to the hands of said Joel L. Lambert, Deputy Sheriff aforesaid and was by him while the same was alive and in full force levied on Bennet Sandefurs equity of Redemption in the land where he now lives being 200 acres. And after having advertised according to law, the said Deputy Sheriff did on the 22 day of April 1844 (being County Court day for said county) expose to sale the said Equity of Redemption of the said Bennet Sandefur in and to the land aforesaid, levied on as before stated, and the said A. B. Barret being then and there the highest bidder became the purchaser thereof at the price and sum of two dollars: and the said fifa being for his benefit there was no bond taken. And whereas the said Deputy Sherrif, Joel L. Lambert, and the said Sheriff H. Alves have sine the time above stated departed this life, and whereas George A. Sugg is now the Sheriff of said County of Henderson duly elected and qualified: Now Therefore, This Indenture witnesseth: That George A. Sugg Sheriff of aforesaid for and in consideration of the premises above set forth, hereby conveys unto the said Alexander B. Barret the Two Hundred acres of Land levied on and sold as aforesaid - To Have and to Hold the same with its appurtenances to him the said Barret his heirs or assigns forever with all such right and title as the said George A. Sugg, as such Sheriff by virtue of his Office, and the laws of the land has power & authority to convey and warrant, but no further, and the said Sugg is not to be personally liable for any thing in this Deed Contained. In Witness whereof the said George A. Sugg as such Sheriff has hereto set his hand and seal this 25th day of February 1859. /s/ G. A. Sugg.SH.C seal State of Kentucky, Henderson County=s ct
I, William D. Allison, Clerk of the County Court of Henderson County aforesaid, do certify that this Deed from Geo. A. Sugg, Sheriff, to A. B. Barret was this day duly acknowledged before me in my office by the said George A. Sugg as such Sheriff to be his act & deed. And thereupon the same together with this certificate was truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this 25th day of February 1859- Will D. Allison Henderson County Clerk
From Law Encyclopedia: FIERI FACIAS (That you cause to be made.) In practice. A writ of execution commanding the sheriff to levy and make the amount of a judgment from the goods and chattels of the judgment debtor.
Henderson County Order Book E, Page 337, 28 DEC 1846
Ordered that Bennett Sandefur, Garrard Sandefur, Reuben Moss and George Roberts be appointed appraisers, any three of whom being first duly sworn to appraise the personal estate and slaves (if any) of James Majors Jr., decd and make report according to law.
Henderson County, Kentucky, Book L, Page 520, 3 SEP 1847
L. G. Sandefur owes Bennet Sandefur $60 due 1 JUN 1847 to secure payment he sells Bennet Sandefur his crop of corn and tobacco which he will raise in present year (1847). If $60 paid plus interest before 1 JUN 1848 this conveyance is to be void. /s/L. G. Sandefur
Henderson County Order Book E, Page 398 - December County Court, 27 December 1847
On the motion of Alexander B. Barrett who took the oath prescribed by law, administration of all and singular the good and chattels, rights and credits of Bennett Sandefur dec'd. who died intestate , is granted to him the said Alexander B. Barret with Reuben Moss, his security, executed bond in the penalty of Two Hundred and fifty dollars, conditioned according to law.
Ordered that George Robards, George W. King, Marshall Robards and Reuben Moss be appointed appraisers, any three of whom being first duly sworn, to appraise the personal estatte and slaves (if any) of Bennett Sandefur, dec'd, and make report according to law.
Ordered that Ovid Keeth be appointed guardian of Joseph Sandefur, Martha Sandefur, Hugh Sandefur, Henrietta Sandefur, and Alexander Sandefur, children and heirs of James Sandefur and Sarah Sandefur, dec'd, formerly Sarah Biggs - and thereupon the said Ovid Keech, with William H. Biggs, John R. Biggs and John C. Watkins his securities, executed bond in the penalty of Twelve Hundred dollars, conditioned according to law.
Ordered that Court be adjourned till Court in Course - Y. E. Allison
Henderson County, Kentucky, Book M, Page 229, 30 SEP 1848
L. G. Sandefur owed Bennett Sandefur $40 due 1 JUN 1847 - to secure payment he mortgages the present year 1848 crop of corn and tobacco. If pays $40 plus interest, then this is void. s/L. G. (X his mark) Sandefur
Henderson County, Kentucky, May County Court, 22 May 1848, Order Book E, Page 410
An Appraisement of the Estate of Bennett Sandedur, dec'd, was returned to the Court, and Ordered to be recorded.
An Account of Sales of the Estate of Bennett Sandefur, deceased was returned to the Court by Alexander B. Barret the Administrator and ordered to be recorded. Sale of estate 22 May 1848
Henderson County, Kentucky,February County Court, 26th February 1849, Book E, Page 457-8
Ordered that John R. Edwards be appointed Surveyor of the public road in place of Allison Sandefur removed in the following precinct to wit, from Michael Hunters to the Harmons Ferry Road, and that he with the following hands, keep said precinct of said road in good repair as the law directs to wit, George Eakins, Thomas A. Eakins, Richard Sandefur, Samuel Hunter, (Samuel Hunter scratched through), William Rideout, John Norvell, Robert Walker, and Elzear Cook with their male hands, respectively.
Ordered that William A. Sandefur be appointed guardian of Bennett M. Sandefur, infant orphan of Bennett Sandefur, dec'd,, the said Bennett M. Sandefur being present in court of sufficient age made choice of the said William A. Sandefur, and it appearing to the satisfaction of the Court that said Bennett M. Sandefur has no Estate, no bond or security is required of the said guardian.
Whereas the December Term 1847 of this Court, Ovid Keach was appointed guardian of Joseph Sandefur, Martha Sandefur, Hugh Sandefur, Henrietta Sandefur and Alexander Sandefur, children of James Sandefur and heirs of Sarah Sandefur, dec'd, formerly Sarah Biggs, and executed his bond with William H. Biggs, John R. Biggs and John C. Watkins his securities in the penalty of Twelve Hundred Dollars - Now this day the said Ovid Keach
Order Book F, Page 5, December County Court 1851 (22d December)
Charles F. Sandefur, orphan of Bennett Sandefur deceased who is over 14 years of age came into Court, and made choice of his brother, Bennett Sandefur, for his guardian. It is therfore ordered that said Bennett Sandefur be appointed guardian of said Charles F. Sandefur, and it appearing to the court that said Charles has no Estate no bond or security is required of the Guardian.
Order Book F, Page 134 October County Court 1853 (24th Oct)
Reuben E. Sandefur, orphan of Bennett Sandefur, Sr. (actually Jr.) deceased, being over 14 years of age came into court and made choice of Bennett Sandefur Jr.( Bennett M.)as his guardian. It is therefore ordered the said Bennett Sandefur Jr. be appointed guardian of the said Reuben E. Sandefur, and thereupon the said Bennett Sandefur Jr. took the oath prescribed by law, and it appearing that there is no Estate belonging to said Reuben E. Sandefur, no covenant or security is required. (Reuben and Bennett M. are sons of B ennett Jr.)
Ordered that Catherine H. Jennings be appointed guardian of her infant Ovid T. Jennings, orphan of John Jennings, dec'd, and thereupon the said Catherine H. Jennings took the oath prescribed by law, and with Richard Keach, here surety executed covenant conditioned according to law.
Henderson County, Kentucky, January 14, 1854 - Deputy Joel L. Lambert to Alexander B. Barret - Sheriff's Deed - 200 Acres belonging to Bennett Sandefur that he had gotten by patent and had mortgaged to Alexander B. Barret. This indenture made and entered into this 14th day of January 1854 between Joel L. Lambert of the one part and Alexander B. Barret of the other part, both of the County of Henderson and State of Kentucky witnesseth: That whereas on the 3rd cay of February 1844, there issued from the clerks office of the Henderson circuit court, upon a judgment in said court therefore rendered an execution or wit of FIERI FACIAS No. 32 in favor of Obid Ceith for the use and benefit of William D. Nunn, and against the estate of Henry C. Sandefur & Bennett Sandefur for the sum of one Hundred and eighty dollars debt with interest thereon at six percent per annum from the 1st day of March 1842 until paid, and also the sum of $7.79 1/2 cents costs, which execution was on the 5th day of February 1844, put and placed in the hands of the said Joel L. Lambert who was then and there deputy sheriff duly appointed and sworn for Heywood Alves then and there Sheriff of said county of Henderson duly commissioned, qualified and acting as such, to whom the said execution was directed to be executed & returned according to law: and whereas the said Lambert deputy sheriff as aforesaid did in the pursuance of his duty in the premises, while the said execution was in full force, virtue and effect, levy the same upon a certain tract of land containing about two hundred acres, lying and being in said county of Henderson on the waters of Sputsman's Creek, as and for the property and estate of the said Bennett Sandefur, and being the same land whereon he the said Bennett Sandefur then resided; and did according to law advertise and sell the same, having first caused it to be valued as the law directs, to satisfy the said execution; and at said sale the said Alexander B. Barret became the purchaser of the whole of the said tract of land, at and for the price & sum of ten dollars, he the said Barret being then & there the highest and best bidder therefore; And whereas subsequently Towit On the 8th day of April 1844, there did issue from said clerks office upon the judgment aforesaid another execution or wit of Fieri Facias in favor of said Plaintiff Obid Ceith for use of said Nunn against said Defendants Henry C. & Bennett Sandefur of the debt and interest aforesaid (subject to a redit of $9 50/100 made by the said above recited sale) and $9.24 cents costs, which last mentioned execution being also directed to the Sheriff of Henderson County was likewise put and place Towit: On the 10th day of April 1844 in the hands of the said Lambert, Deputy Sheriff as aforesaid for said Haywood Alves, Sheriff of said county, and the said Lambert his lawful deputy, to be executed & returned according to law: and whereas the said Lambert deputy sheriff as aforesaid in pursuance of his duty and the law, did while the said execution was in full force, virtue & effect levy the same upon the equity of redemption of him the said Bennett Sandefur in and to the before mentioned tract of land; the said land not having brought at its former and before mentioned sale, two thirds of its appraised value, and did according to law advertise and sell the same, by virtue of and to satisfy said execution, and at said sale the said Alexander B. Barret being the highest and best bidder, became the purchaser of said equity of redemption at and for the price and sum of two dollars. The said sale took place at the courthouse door in the town of Henderson, the former on the 25th day of March 1844 and the latter on the 22nd day of April 1844 being court days, and the first days of the courts respectively, and were each and both as well as the respective levies and all proceedings thereunder in all respects conformable to the requirements of the then existing laws: the said executions, the latter numbered 105 together with the return thereon, as now on file among the papers of said clerk's office. and whereas the said Barret having paid the purchase monies, he being the owner & beneficiary of said executions and debt, and having as yet received no deed or other conveyance from said Lambert or said Alves or any other Sheriff of said county now therefore, for and in consideration of the premises, and of the said respective levies, sales and purchases above recited, and of the further sum of one dollar to him in hand paid, the said Joel L. Lambert deputy Sheriff as aforesaid, hath granted, bargained, sold & conveyed, and by these present doth grant, bargain, sell and convey unto him the said Alexander B. Barret, the aforesaid tract or parcel of land lying and being in the County of Henderson aforesaid on the waters of Sputsman's Creek containing two hundred acres more or less, and being the same whereon said Bennett Sandefur resided at the time of the levy & sale as aforesaid - To have and to hold to him & his heirs & assigns forever - and the said Lambert deputy Sheriff aforesaid so far & no further, as he has power & authority so to do, in virtue & by reason of the premises as herein set forth, vests the title to said land in him said Barret and doth warrant the same to him, his heirs & assigns: but in no respect is he the said Lambert to be personally responsible; it being clearly understood that this is a Sheriff's deed only. In witness whereof the said Lambert hath hereunto set his hand & seal the day & year aforesaid.
Signed, Sealed & delivered in the presence of /s/Joel L. Lambert DS for H. Alves Sheriff
I, William D. Allison, Clerk of the County Court of Henderson County aforesaid, do certify that this deed from Joel L. Lambert, deputy sheriff for Haywood Alves late Sheriff of Henderson County to Alexander B. Barret was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said Joel L. Lambert as such deputy sheriff to be his act and deed. and thereupon the same together with this certificate was truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this 14th day of January 1854. /s/Will D. Allison.
October County Court 1858, Oder Book F, page 542 Wednesday the 27th day of October AD 1858
The Court met according to adjournment Present Grand Green, presiding Judge. This day Emily Jane Sandefur, infant orphan of Bennett Sandefur, deceased, being over 14 years of age came into court and made choice of J. W. Glenn as her guardian. It is therefore ordered that J. W. Glenn be appointed Guardian of the said Emily Jane Sandefur, and thereupon the said J. W. Glenn took the oath prescribed by law, and with J. H. Crafford, his surety approved by the court gave bond or covenant to the commonwealth of Kentucky conditioned according to law. conditioned according to law. Emily b. July 1839, was age 19 yrs.)
This indenture made and entered into this 16th day of October, 1840 between John Bugg of the one part and Bennet Sandefur Jr. of the other, both of the County of Henderson and State of Kentucky witnesseth that for and in consideration of one dollar by the said Sandefur to the said Bugg in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged and for further causes and considerations herein after mentioned, he the said Bugg has this day granted, bargained, sold and delivered and does by these present grant, bargain and sell and deliver unto the said Sandefur, his heirs and assigns forever a certain negro girl slave named Susan to have and to hold the said girl, Susan and her increase, to him the said Sandefur, his heirs and assigns forever free from the claim or claims, disturbance or disturbances of all and every person whomsoever, and the said Bugg warrants said girl to be a slave for life and to be free from any constitutional or chronic complaint provided never the less and it is the express condition of the above indenture that whereas the said Sandefur entered and bound himself by signing his name as security for the said Bugg in a certain note executed by the said Bugg and said Sandefur to John Green as curator for the estate of Elizabeth Bugg, dec'd, for the sum of ninety dollars and fifty cents dated the 3rd of July, 1840, and due twelve months after date. Now if the said Bugg shall well and truly pay off and discharge said note when the same become due or shall fully and completely have and bear harmless the said Sandefur from all and every description of loss or damage incurred, or which may be incurred or sustained by said Sandefur by reason of said security ships(?) then and in that event the above indenture to be title(?) be null, void, and of no effect, otherwise it remains in full force and virtue. In testimony whereof the said John Bugg hath hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal this day and date first above written
/s/John Bugg Seal
STATE OF KENTUCKY AND HENDERSON COUNTY - I William D. Allison, Clerk of the County Court for the County aforesaid do certify that this deed of mortgage from John Bugg to Bennett Sandefur Jr. was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said John Bugg to be his act and deed. And there upon the same together with this certificate was truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this 16th day of October, 1841. /s/William D. Allison
Henderson County, Kentucky Deed Book J, Page 608, 28 March 1843
M. J. Moss to A. B. Barrett, Bennett Sandefur and Peterson Wall (M. J. Moss to A. B. Barrett to examine and deliver to A. B. Barrett, 13 July 1841)
I am indebted to A. B. Barrett for $40; to Bennett Sandefur for $86; to Peterson Wall for $126 - To secure them by way of mortgage I hereby sell to them a negro woman by name of Lathy and her child by the name of William (William D. Nunn?) together with all my stock of every description and all my household furniture. This bargain and sale to be void upon paying to the said Barrett, Sandefur and Wall the respective sums due them as aforesaid. Given under my hand and seal this 28th day of March 1843. /s/M. J. Moss(Marcilhes J. Moss) SEAL
State of Kentucky, Henderson County - I William D. Allison, Clerk of the county court for the county aforesaid do certify that this mortgage from M. J. Moss to A. B. Barrett, Bennett Sandefur and Peterson Wall was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said M. J. Moss to be his act and deed and thereupon the same together with this certificate was this day truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this day of March, 1843. /s/William D. Allison
Book J, Page 610
Bennett Sandefur for $5 & other consideration - sell to Alexander B. Barret the 200 acres I now reside on, lying on the waters of Sputsman Creek conveyed to me by Patent of the Commonwealth of KY as well ____ fully appear by reference to said Patent, one negro woman named Missouri, aged 15 yrs., her son named Stephen, aged 15 months, 6 horses, 10 head of horned cattle, 1 yoke of oxen and an ox cart, 27 sheep, 90 hogs, all my household and kitchen furniture, all my family utensits, my present crop of tobacco, about 5,000 lbs. which I purchased at Constable Sale. Bennett Sandefur owes Barrett $407.13 on note plus interest at 6% per year due 1 year after date of note. Needs merchandise of $100 more which Barrett will supply - If Sandefur does not pay then these items listed become Barretts - If paid this conveyance is null & void. /s/ Bennett Sandefur. Recorded: 31 MAR 1843
Order Book E, Page 337, 28 DEC 1846 - Bennett Sandefur (Jr.), Garrard Sandefur, Reuben Moss appointed appraisers of personal estate and slaves if any of James Majors Jr.
Deed Book L, Pg. 520, 3 SEP 1847, Henderson County - L. G. Sandefur to Bennet Sandefur
Whereas I am indebted to Bennet Sandefur in the sum of sixty dollars due the 1st day of June, 1847, and to secure the payment thereof I do hereby sell and convey to said Bennet Sandefur the crop of corn and tobacco which I may raise and prepare for market the present year (1847). But this conveyance is to be void if I pay off said sum of $60 with all interest that may accrue thereon, on or before the 1st day of June 1848. Otherwise to remain in full force. Witness my hand and seal this 3rd day of September 1847 /s/ L. G. Sandefur Seal
State of Kentucky, Henderson County Court: I William D. Allison, Clerk of the County Court of the County aforesaid do certify that this mortgage from L. G. Sandefur to Bennet Sandefur was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said L. G. Sandefur to be his act and deed - and thereupon the same together with this certificate was truly recorded in my office. Witness my hand this 3rd day of September 1847. /s/ Will D. Allison
Deed Book M, Page 229, 30 SEP 1848 - L. G. Sandefur to Bennett Sandefur - Henderson, KY
Whereas I am indebted to Bennett Sandefur in the sum of Forty dollars which was due on the 1st day of June 1847, and to secure the payment of said sum, I do hereby mortgage and convey to the said Bennett Sandefur all my crop of corn and tobacco which I have raised and shall raise the present year 1848. To have and to hold this said crop of corn and tobacco to him, the said Bennett Sandefur, free and clear from all claims whatsoever - but if shall pay off and discharge said sum of forty dollars with all interest that may accrue or become due thereon this this conveyance to be null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue. Witness my hand this 30th day of Sepember 1848. /s/L. G. (His Mark) Sandefur Seal
State of Kentucky, Henderson County Court: I William D. Allison, Clerk of the County Court for the county aforesaid do certify that this mortgage from L. G. Sandefur to Bennett Sandefur was this day acknowledged before me in my office by the said L. G. Sandefur to be his act and deed and thereupon the same together with this certificate was truly recorded in my office, Witness my hand this 30th day of September, 1848. /s/ Will D. Allison
Order Bk. E, Page 398, 27 December 1847, December County Court 1847
On the motion of Alexander B. Barret who took the oath prescribed by law, admistration of all and singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits of Bennett Sandefur (Jr.), deceased, who died intestate, is granted to him the said Alexander B. Barret, in due form of law, and thereupon the said Alexander B. Barret with Reuben Moss, his security, executed bond in the penalty of Two hundred and fifty dollars concitioned according to law.
Ordered that George Robards, George H. King, Marshall Robards, and Reuben Moss be appointed appraisers, any three of whom being first duly sworn, to appraise the personal estate and slaves (if any) of Bennet Sandefur, deceased, and make report according to law.
Ordered that Ovid Keech be appointed guardian of Joseph Sandefur, Martha Sandefur, Hugh Sandefur, Henrietta Sandefur and Alexander Sandefur, children and heirs of James Sandefur and Sarah Sandefur, deceased, formerly Sarah Biggs, and thereupon the said Ovid Keech, with William H. Biggs, Jorh R. Biggs and John C. Watkins, his securities executed bond in the penalty of Twelve Hundred dollars conditioned according to law.
Ordered that Court be adjourned till Court in Course - Y. E. Allison
Order Book E, Page 410 - Appraisement of Estate of Bennett Sandefur (Jr.) dec'd returned and recorded. Sale of estate 22 MAY 1848.
Order Book F, Page 230 - Nov. Special Tern - Nov. 24th, 1854
On the motion of Noah Eakins who took the oath prescribed by law, administration of all the chattels, goods, credits & effects of Charles F. Sandefur, Dec'd is granted to him the said Noah Eakins who thereupon with Felix Eakins and Marshall Smith, his sureties approved by the Court gave covenant to the Commonwealth conditioned according to law.
Order Book F, Page 461 - Tuesday the 27th day Oct 1857 Court
A settlement made by the presiding Judge of this court with Noah Eakins, Adm. of Charles F. Sandefur, dec'd was this day returned to the court and ordered to live over until the next November term of this court for exceptions.
Order Book F, Page 466 - 23 NOV 1857
A Settlement with Noah Eakins, Administrator of Charles F. Sandefur, dec'd, was approved and recorded.
to Kentucky Wills & Court Orders