Will of Stephen Heard
Pittsylvania County, VA
Probate Records; p. 412 *Contributed by Brian
Last Will and Testament of Stephen Heard Pittsylvania County: 29 October 1774 Last Will and Testament All my personal estate to my well beloved wife Mary Heard also well beloved son Jesse Heard also well beloved son Stephen Heard, to well beloved so George Heard who I appoint as executor. To well beloved daughter Mary Heard the tract of land, 229 acres more or less on Blackwater River. To well beloved son Jesse Heard the tract of land whereon I now live, after the decease of my wife. If God should call Mary Heard without heirs, I will said tract of land bequeathed to her to be sold and the funds divided between my well beloved daughter Ann Gilliam and well beloved daughter, Susannah Standefer. To my wife Mary Heard all my personal estate. Stephen Heard Witnesses: Peter Gillam, Isam (X) Belcher, Chedle Cockerham, Richard Hughes, George Heard Excutor: Jesse Heard with ISRAEL STANDEFER and William Tunstall, security. |
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