Edward Talbott
Descendants of Richard and Elizabeth (Ewen) Talbott of Poplar Knowle, Anne
Arundel Co., MD; by Ida Morrison (Murphy) Shirk, pub. Baltimore 1927; p. 98
Rev. Edward Talbott, only child of Edward and Margaret (Slade) Talbott, was born (after his father's death) in Baltimore co., 6 April 1764, and raised by his grandmother Slade. The following is from a sketch by Rev. L. W. Berry, D. D., president of Indiana Asbury University, made after an interview with him on his eight-eighth birthday anniversary, when a large number of his kindred and friends gathered around his table and altar: "Intimately associated with Bishops Asbury and McKendree in planting early Methodism in the West--his house for years, being the home of itinerant ministers, when houses were scarce and far distant from each other--bearing a name of which Asbury makes honorable mention in his journal. Father Talbott was born in Baltimore co., MD., on what was called My Lady's Manor, April 6, 1764. His parents were not members of any church, and he enjoyed in his early life, few advantages either religious or scientific. At the age of seventeen he was drafted in the second draft of the select militia of the Maryland line. He was not subject to be called out until the first draft was exhausted. Before this took place the Revolutionary War terminated, by the defeat of Lord Cornwallis at Yorktown. At the age of twenty-six Mr. Talbott united with the Methodist Episcopal Church. At that time, this was a step often involving serious consequences. Not infrequently did it alienate friends, affect injuriously one's reputation, and the result was very annoying, if not dangerous, persecutions. The small band of devoted Christians with whom Mr. Talbott united did not exceed half a dozen. In holding their meetings, especially at night, they were often assailed, and all means employed short of actual violence to intimidate them. In December, 1783, he was married to Miss Elizabeth Standiford. In 1841 she departed this life. In 1796, with a family consisting of his wife, eight sons and two slaves, he emigrated to Shelby co., Ky. His journey to his new home was attended with some peril. When he reached his new residence, he found, of the church of his choice, only four members. These he organized into a class. Great was the success of his ministry. Associated with Thomas Mitchell, another local preacher, he traveled extensively. In this way societies were formed. Few men in a local sphere ever labored more or realized greater success. Mr. Talbott was too conscientious to be the permanent owner of slaves. He manumitted those he brought with him to the West. In 1801 the Western Conference met at New Chapel, in his neighborhood, and its ministers (among them Asbury and McKendree) were entertained at his house. In October, 1831, he moved to Putnam co., Ind. He was father of thirteen children, twelve of whom were raised to maturity, and eight of whom are now living, the oldest being sixty-eight. All but two of these children are members of the church. He has lived to see his children of the fourth generation. All reside within a circuit of two miles. There are sixty-seven grandchildren and five dead; ninety-six great-grandchildren living and thirteen dead; two great-great-grandchildren. Thus he has seen one hundred and ninety-six of his descendants."
"His family Bible, with its record, was destroyed by fire, and a book in which his grandson, Thomas E. Talbott, noted many things which he had told him about the family has been mislaid or lost. The Baltimore co. license for the marriage of Edward Talbott and Elizabeth Standiford* is dated 11 Nov 1783, and the minister's name given as Rev. Davis, Baptist. About sixteen months after his marriage, his grandfather died, bequeathing him nearly all of his estate*. During the Whisky Insurrection, 1794, he was drafted into the army, and while standing in line with his company, preparatory to being mustered in, his class leader presented him with a license to preach, and his captain promptly discharged him. This incident is recalled by his grandson, Thomas E. Talbott, who has preserved the parchment certificate of ordination, 1801, signed by Bishop Asbury. In September, 1802, a quarterly meeting continuing four days, "was held at Edward Talbott's, four miles from Shelbyville; a great crowd of people and preachers attended, and this also was a time of power of God to many souls. I will give here a specimen of Kentucky hospitality on such occasions. I think Brother Talbott must have provided for forty or fifty person, besides a number of horses. He prepared a large pen for the horses. Every man took care of his own horse, and had directions to go into the cornfield and cut as much corn as he pleased to give his horse. Perhaps an acre or more was cut down in this way." (Recollections and Reflections of an Old Itinerant, by Rev. Henry Smith).
1. William Talbott, b. 15 Sept 1784
2. David Talbott, b. 6 Jan 1786
3. James Talbott, b. 19 May 1787
4. Edward Talbott, b. 30 Jan 1789
5. John Standiford Talbott, b.___; m.____Matilda Gregory; both died
at New Maysville, Ind.
6. Orthneal Talbott, b.___
7. Luther Jarret Talbott, b. 19 Aug 1795
8. Nancy Talbott, b. 15 June 1800
9. Benjamin Talbott, b. ____
10. Lorenzo Talbott, b._____
11. Aquilla Standiford Talbott, b. 13 Nov 1803
12. Thomas Asbury Talbott, b. 23 July 1808
*Elizabeth a daughter of William Standiford of Baltimore co., who bequeathed, 30 Oct 1775, to his wife Elizabeth, his Negroes, furniture, plate, and horse, for life, with reversion to her children: to each of the children born of his two deceased wives, a small amount of money as had already provided for them; to his ten children, James, David, John, Benjamin, Mary, Sarah, Delah, Susanna, Elizabeth and Ellioner, all the residue of his estate. This will was proved for the following 29 May, and his wife was the executrix (Balto. Co. Wills, p. 317).
*William Slade, 15 Feb 1785, bequeathed to his wife, Elizabeth, one-third of his land, with reversion to his grandson, Edward Talbott; and to said grandson the remaining two-thirds of the land, known as William's Lot; gray horse called Chester, and Negro Shandy; to his grand-daughter, Cassandra Hughes; Negro Pompey and feather bed and furniture; to his daughter Margaret Hughes, £20 specie; all the rest of his estate to his wife during widowhood, and if she married, to his two said grandchildren. The will was proved 9 Apr 1785 (Balto Co. Wills, p. 15)