Clinton Davis
From: Kentucky Genealogy and Biography, Vol. III;
Sketches from Butler, McLean, Muhlenburgh and Ohio Counties; reprinted from Kentucky:
A History of the State by Battle, Perrin & Kniffin; 1885; p. 133
Elder James Clinton Davis, Ohio County, was born March 29, 1834, in Roane County, Tenn. At the age of six years here-moved with his parents to Warren County, Ky., and in 1848 to Ohio County, where he has since resided. His father, Alexander H. Davis, now living, was born in Roane County, Tenn., in 1815. He is the son of James Davis, of Roane County, who died about 1880, over one hundred years of age. Alexander H. married Sarah N., daughter of David and Polley (Tootles) Liles, of Roane County. She was born March 29, 1815, and died in 1850. This union was blessed by the birth of the following-named children: James C., William H. (died in the army), John T., Thomas L., Nancy J. (Sanderford), Benjamin M., George L. and Sarah (Raley). Alexander H., after his first wife's decease, married a second wife, and their offspring are Isaac N., Reuben W., Mary E. (Ranney), Alexander T., Jesse G., Martha (Douglas) and Luella. In December, 1860, James C. Davis married Melissa, daughter of George W. and Amanda (Thomas) Austin, of Ohio County. She was born June 20, 1845, and died May 30, 1870, and from their union sprang George J., Thomas H. (deceased) and Alexander H. Mr. Davis was next married, December 30, 1870, to Mrs. Mary, widow of George W. Sanderford, born in 1838, and to them have been born Oma, Gertrude, Judson B., Ophelia and Finis. Mr. Davis is a farmer, owing 150 acres of good land in a fine state of cultivation. He is a Mason; has been for thirty years an elder in the United Baptist Church, and in politics a Republican.