L. Danforth
From: Kentucky - A History of the State,
Perrin, Battle, Kniffin, 8th ed., 1888, Jefferson Co.
George L. Danforth was born July 24, 1854, and is a son of the late Joseph Lewis Danforth of this city. The latter was a native of Louisville, and was born January 21, 1821, and died October 29, 1887. He was a son of Joseph and Lucy Shaw (Lewis) Danforth--the latter a lineal descendant of Mary Chilton, who is said to have been the first of the pilgrim band to set foot on Plymouth Rock.
Mr. Joseph L. Danforth received a liberal education, graduating with honors from Harvard University. His tastes, however, tended toward commercial instead of literary pursuits, and after completing his education he was taken into the wholesale dry goods house of his father, and the firm became J. Danforth & Son, long well known and prominent in the commercial circles of the city. Mr. Danforth subsequently engaged in the insurance business, and was prominently identified with it for a period of thirty years. For twenty-five years he was president of the Board of Underwriters, which body, upon his decease, adopted appropriate memorial services. He served several terms in the school board, and was elected its president, but aside from this service, he never sought public office. Of modest, unassuming disposition, he also possessed a clear understanding, and his judgment has great weight with those with whom he was associated in business or social life. He was thoroughly honorable, and no man stood higher in the estimation of those who knew him.
His wife and five children survive him. The latter are: Mrs. Victor H. Newcomb, of New York City; Mrs. Smith, the wife of Mr. Newcomb's secretary; Mrs. Charles Johnson, of this city; an unmarried daughter, and George L., whose name heads this sketch. The latter gentleman was brought up in Louisville, and received a liberal education. He was taken into partnership with his father in the insurance business in which he is still engaged. He is one of the live young business men of the city, and stands high among his fellows. He is president of the Louisville Spoke Company, and is prominently connected with other business enterprises, notably of which is farming and the breeding of fine horses, a pursuit more or less interesting to all Kentuckians. He was married in 1877 to Miss Florence Standiford, daughter of the late E. D. Standiford of this city. They have five children.
Click here for the biography of E. D. Standiford.