(I have transcribed a copy of this bible record which I requested and received
from the DAR files for Benjamin Standiford. I have been exact as possible in transcribing
and when in doubt, I have so noted. Carol Lee Yarbrough)
Jacob Wolf/James W. Standifer Family Bible
There is a note attached to this bible record that reads: "The family Bible of Arinda (Standiford) Wolf and her husband Thomas S. Wolf. Arinda Standiford was a sister of my grandmother Frances Ellen Standiford and a daughter of James Williamson Standiford. The Standiford records in this Bible were copied from the family Bible of James Williamson Standiford and his wife Sarah (King) Standiford by Arinda Wolf and her daughters prior to Arinda’s death in 1918. The original J. W. Standiford family bible was in the possession of my grandmother, Frances Ellen Wilson. The bible was destroyed by fire in 1920, thus the only Bible records surviving are these of the Arinda and Thomas Wolf Bible. Signed. Ruth Marian Nelson."
Jacob Wolf was borned December 25th 1812
James W. Standifer was born August 15, 1810
Sarah Standifer was born May 22, 1812
Elizabeth Standifer was born March 22, 1830
Maryann Standifer was born November 16, 1832
William Standifer was born February 22, 1833
Thomas Standifer was born October 13, 1834
Richard Standifer was born December 30, 1838
Thomas S. Wolf was born August 12th 1845
Arinada Wolf was born December 16th 1850
Annis Wolf was born May 6th A. D. 1832
William S. Wolf was born Feb. 7th A.D. 1835
James L. Wolf was born May 5th A. D. 1838
Sarah Wolf was born Jan. 25th A. D. 1841
Asa F. Wolf was born Oct. 12th A. D. 1843
? (possibly Geo.) S. Wolf was born June 9th A. D. 1848
John W. Wolf was born March 9th A. D. 1851
E. N. Walf was born Jan. 15th A. D. 1854
M. L. Wolf was born Jan. 16th 1877
Sallie Leta Wolf was March 6th 1878
V. ? Wolf was borned Sept. 15, 1879
Ernestine Wolf was born February 17, 1906
Bennie Lee Wolf was born May 1(?), 1908
Lula Kate Wolf was born Dec. 10, 1910
Francas Wolf was born Jan. 20, 1914
Olive Witcher was born Oct. 15
Ruth Wolf was born Oct. 20, 1915
Emily Standifer was born April 6, 1851
Francis Ellin Standifer was born October 27, 1854
Jain Standifer was born Jan. 14, 1839
Sary Standifer was born April 22, 1842
James Standifer was born July 21, 1843
Elvina Standifer was born December 25, 1844
Margaret Standifer was born July 12, 1846
Arminta Standifer was born Feb. 22, 1848
Arinda Standifer was born December 16, 1850
Thomas S. Wolf was married December 16, 1875
Annis Wolf was married October 10, 1851
W. (T.?) Wolf was married August 1855
J. L. Wolf was married May 1858
Sarah Wolf was married (Dec.?) 15, 185(9 or 4)
James Standifer married October 21, 1828
(? Grandfather to Sarah King)
Betty G. Houck was born Wednesday, March 3, 1920
Lula Wolf was married Jan. 13
Thomas Wolf was married Sept. 15, 1904
Leta Wolf was married June 7, 1913
Leta Wolf Houck mother of Betty Jo Houck
Betty Jo Houck was married March 26, 1937 to Cletus Ray Kleen
Children born to this union.
Cletus Allen Klenn July 20, 1940
Dannie Kay Kleen-September 10, 1946
Rickie Jo Kleen, b. Feb. 25, 1948
Jacob Wolf departed this life Sept. 14th 1874
Asa F. Wolf departed this life Jan. 12th 1863
Sarah Standefer departed this life Sept. 22, 1968
T. S. Wolf departed this life October 4, 1874
Arinda Wolf departed this life January 27, 1918
Hyburnie (?) Wolf departed this life November 22, 1915
Leila Witcher departed this life Sept. 1936
Sallie Leta Wolf – June 11, 1943
Thomas (Tom) S. Wolf – Jan. 1960
James W. Standifer departed this life Feb. 19, 1892
Sary Standifer departed this life May 24, 1879
James Standifer departed this life April 29, 1869
(Buried in Bastrop. Son of James W. Standifer)
James Frank Houck July 6, 1960
Cletus Ray Kleen died May 22, 1988