#1. From: Lemuel J.
Standifer To: W. A. Standefer Centre, Ala. (Cherokee Co., AL) 16th April 1864 To W. A. Standefer, Sgt. Maj. ? Battery & ? Ala. Dear Sir, Your letter of August arrived in Oct. during my absence to Richmond, Tenn. I did not know where to write or my fathers name was William H. Standifer. My grandfather was Israel, my great grandfathers name was Israel. He came from Ireland and married an English woman. He raised six sons: James, Luke, William, Israel, John and Jesse. James was killed in the war at the battle in which Tekumpsee was killed. (not married). Luke died near Con. Port in Mississippi. William at Jasper Tenn. Israel, my grandfather, in Limestone, Ala. John went to Kentucky in the first settling and Jesse died at 26 years (not married). My grandfather raised eight sons by his first wife: Jessee, Samuel, Skilton, Abraham, Isaac, Israel, James and William. They are all dead. Jessee raised his family in Madison Co., Ala. Israel and James and my father, raised theirs in Marion & Bledsoe County, TN until 1832 Israel and my father came to Ala. this county (near ? Chattooga Co., Geo. ), My father died here. Israel his sons James, Abraham and Skilton went to Texas in 1846. Also my brother Israel B. and my fathers cousins, James, Isaac and Samuel in their families went to Texas with their families in 1839. James had seven sons with him. The history is so long that it would ware your patience to give a complete genealogy. Archibald Standifer of Jasper Co., Geo. was cousin to my father. In all my traveling I have never found but one of the name that was not related until the first of this instant in coming from Selma, made the acquaintance of William Standifer of Butler Co., Ala. son of Israel of Shelby county, AL. I would be truly glad for you to come and see me that we could talk together and get acquainted. I want you to write to me. Respectfully yours, Lemuel J. Standefer |
here to see the actual letter. Slow to load but worth it!
The following letter is from Lemuel's daughter, Levina Standifer
#3. (not dated; no
location) From: Levina Standifer To: W. A. Standifer Dear Cousin W. A. Standifer, I received your kind letter a few days ago. I would have answered sooner but have been waiting on Pa. he is very busy but I have prevailed on him to write at last. I was very glad to hear from you but would have preferred seeing you. We will all be very happy to see you if it is foreseeable for you to get a furlough. Last summer when I was at Rome (GA) I met with a gentleman by the name of White that belonged to the eleventh Texas and I had heard that there was a gentleman by the name of Standifer in that regiment. I asked Mr. White if he knew him, but he said he did not. But thought there was a man of that name belonging to Whites battery. They were stationed near Roane. My cousin Lizzie Underwood had heard of some on by the of Underwood being there also. He said he knew Underwood and as we were both very anxious to see our relatives (by their being in the same name) he promised to send both in to see us. We expected you (it seems that we are the same) but never saw either of you. Mr. White said he would go and drop in disguise and change his name to Standifer, then come and claim him with us, provided some of his friends did not come in and betray him. You wished me to tell you all about our relations and I feel incompetent to do so as my acquaintance among our relatives is very limited. But I suppose he has told you all about them in his letter. I only know Pas own family and some of my cousins. My Grandfathers name was William H. Standifer. His family consisted of six children, six sons and three daughters Israel, Franklin, Lemuel (my father), John, Robert and Jessie. Uncles Israel and Jessie are in Texas, Uncle Robert died with the consumption several years ago at the age of twenty five and you know that history of the last three. The girls--all married at home. Their names, Sarah, Elizabeth and Mary. Aunt Mary the youngest died last summer with consumption I will tell you more about them when I see you. Uncle John passed by here last Monday on his way home in a furlough of ten days. I would like to know who it was who first put such a report as that (the ones you mentioned) on me. I'm sure it was no one that has even seen me, would say so and tell the truth. ? ? about it, is you will be so badly disappointed. You can judge for yourself when you come and learn (that is if you have not all ready heard it) to be like me not to believe anything these revolutionary times except of what you see with your own eyes. Hoping to see or hear from you soon. I will close for the present. Your cousin, Leona N. Standefer |
here to see the actual letter.
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