G. M. Standifer Construction Corporation (Three Shipyards - 15 Building Berths), Vancouver, Washington.
p. 77:
On May 30, the first ship from the Standifer wooden yard was launched. Carol
Percival, granddaughter of Mayor E. G. Percival, and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Percival of
Portland, togged out in fluffy white and carrying a big bouquet was official sponsor
of the vessel.
"I christen thee Kinea," she said as she broke a bottle of wine over the prow. The ship, with a huge stuffed winged spread eagle in the bow, slid down the way into the water at 6:30 with numerous flags fluttering. Each flag flying from a rigging line represented represented a letter in the international signaling code. Emblems of the Allied nations and the house flags of Standifer and the Emergency Fleet Corps. were also in view.
The Standifer Band played, The Star-Spangled Banner," and cheers from thousands of throats filled the air. Approximately ten thousand persons had gathered for the event. In addition to the band music, selections were provided by the Glee Club. H. H. Izard, musical director, had written a number especially for the occasion and had named it Kinea.
The Kinea was taken in low to the dock at the shipyard where it was outfitted with machinery. Within an hour after the ship had slipped into the Columbia, workmen were busy laying a keel for another ship.
Work continued at the wooden yard, where J. F. Clarkson was manager in 1918, and the steel yard managed by J. A. Sim.
p. 78
Carol Percival Standifer.
Photo taken during the christening of the S. S. Coaxet and is
dated February 27, 1919.
Contributed by Matt Oftedahl, Records Officer of the Port of Vancouver USA.