Civil War - Confederate Records
Four Stanford brothers fought in the Civil War:
Contributed by Betty
J. Sandifer. Thanks, Betty!
Thomas Quincy Stanford, Monroe Stanford, William J. Stanford and Samuel McGee Stanford.
Military Service Survey
Dr. William J. Stanford
Dates of Service: 15 May 1862 to circa Nov 1864
10 Feb 1865 to 3 May 1865 (AWOL)
Branch: Army, Confederate States of America
Rank/Paygrade: Assistant Surgeon, Appointed 21 May 1862, 39th Ala
Private, Co I, 5th Florida Cavalry Battalion.
Specialty: Medical Officer, 39th Alabama Infantry
Cavalry trooper
Units: 39th Alabama Infantry, Dea's Brigade, Wither's Division, Army of
5th Florida Cavalry Battalion, Dist of Florida, Department of
Theater of Operations: Western Theater
Significant Operations: Murfreesboro (Stone's River), TN, Chickamauga,
Chattanooga, Atlanta Campaign, New Hope Church, Kolb's Farm, Peach Tree Creek,
Ezra Church, Jonesboro, and possibly Franklin, TN with the 39th Alabama Infantry
Magnolia and Station Four, FL with the 5th Florida Cavalry
Awards & Decorations: None
Citations: None
Brief Biography: William J Stanford was born in Duplin Co, NC, in 1836. He graduated with a medical degree from the University of Nashville (now Vanderbilt Univ) circa 1858. After the Civil War he moved to VanZandt Co, TX, and died in 1911.
Military Service Survey
Samuel McGee Stanford
Dates of Service: 26 Apr 1861 to 19 Sep 1864
5 Feb 1865 to 5 May 1865 (Absent on Special Service in Henry
Co, AL)
Branch: Army, Confederate States of America
Rank/Paygrade: Sergeant to Apr 1861, Capt Company C, 2nd North Carolina
Infantry (12th NC Inf after Nov 1861)
Private, Co I, 5th Florida Cavalry Battalion.
Specialty: Company Commander, Company C, 12th North Carolina Infantry
Cavalry Trooper
Units: 2nd / 12th North Carolina Infantry, D.H. Hill's -
Rhode's Division, 2nd Corps, Army of Northern VA
5th Florida Cavalry Battalion, Dist of Florida, Department of
Theater of Operations: Eastern Theater
Significant Operations: Seven Days, Gaines' Mill, Malvern
Hill, Antietam, Frederickburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Hagerstown, The
Wilderness, Cold Harbor, Kernstown, and 3rd Winchester
Magnolia and Station Four, FL with the 5th Florida Cavalry Battalion
Awards & Decorations: None
Citations: None
Brief Biography: Samuel M Stanford, was born in Duplin Co, NC, in 1839. He graduated with a law degree from the University of North Carolina. He married Mary Frances Battle of Marianna, FL. Marianna was in the area of operation for the 5th FL Cavalry Battalion. After the Civil War he remained in Barbour Co, AL. His brothers Wm J. and Monroe certified his pension application in 1901.
Military Service Survey
Monroe Stanford
Dates of Service: 15 May 1862 to circa Nov 1864
9 Jan 1865 to 30 Apr 1865 (AWOL)
Branch: Army, Confederate States of America
Rank/Paygrade: Private Company G, 39th Alabama Infantry
Sergeant, Co I, 5th Florida Cavalry Battalion.
Specialty: Infantry
Units: Co G, 39th Alabama Infantry, Dea's Brigade, Wither's
Division, Army of Tennessee
5th Florida Cavalry Battalion, Dist of Florida, Department of
Theater of Operations: Western Theater
Significant Operations: Murfreesboro (Stone's River), TN,
Chickamauga, Chattanooga, Atlanta Campaign, New Hope Church, Kolb's Farm, Peach
Tree Creek, Ezra Church, Jonesboro, and possibly Franklin, TN with the 39th
Alabama Infantry
Magnolia and Station Four, FL with the 5th Florida Cavalry
Awards & Decorations: None
Citations: None