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Henderson County, Kentucky Tax Lists:
WM=White Male

John Sandefur, 1780-83 to 1849 s/o Bennett Sr.

1809, June 1 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1810, June        1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1811 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1812 illegible
1813 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $470, 200 acres Lick Creek
1814 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $470, 200 acres Lick Creek
1815 Not on Tax List
1816 1 WM over 21, 2 horses 200 acres
1817 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 200 acres
1818 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, 200 acres
1819 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, 200 acres
1820 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 200 acres Lick Creek
1821 Not on Tax List
1822 1 WM over 21, 1 horse $670, 200 acres Lick Creek
1823 1 WM over 21, 1 BM over 16, 1 Black Tot., 2 horses, $1,060, 200 acres Lick Creek
1824 1 WM over 21, 1 Black, 1 horse $595, 200 acres
1825 1 WM over 21, 1 Black over 16, 1 Black Tot., 2 horses, 200 acres
1826 1 WM over 21, 1 BM over 16, 1 Black tot., 2 horses, $700, 200 acres Lick  Creek
1827 On list
1828 1 WM over 21, 1 BM over 16, 1 Black total, $1,000, 200 acres Lick Creek
1830 John Jr.? 1WM over 21, 1 horse, $45
1835 1 WM over 21, 1 Black over 16, 1 Black tot., 2 horses, $880, 150 acres Lick Creek
1836-7 Not Listed
1838 No Tax Book
1840 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $400, 150 acres Lick Creek
1840 (Jr.) 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 150 acres Lick Creek
1841 1 WM over 21, 1 Black over 16, 6 horses, 2 Ch. 7-17, $400 val. Tract, 150 acres Lick Creek
1842 On List
1843 1 WM over 21, 1 BM over 16, 5 horses, 1 CH 7-17, Val. Tract $450, 150 acres Lick Creek
1844 On List
1845 1 WM over 21, 1 BM over 16, 5 horses, 1 ch. 7-17, Val. Tract,$400, 150 acres Lick Creek
1846 On List
1847 1 WM over 21, 4 horses, 5 cattle, $600 v/t, 150 acres Lick Creek
1848 1 WM over 21, 4 horses, 7(2?) cattle, $750 v/t, 150 acres Lick Creek
1849 (Jr.) 1 WM over 21, 1 B.16 2 horse, 4 cattle, $500 v/t, 150 acres Lick Creek (d. 1849)


Mrs. Nancy Sandefur, w/o John

1850 1 Black over 16, 1 Black total


Nancy Ann Sandefur Grady, d/o Bennett,

Note: See deposition re. Bennett Sandefur vs. John Bilbo. Nancy Grady and Ann Grady are the same person. She was a daughter of Bennett Sandefur Sr. She is probably the same Ann Sandefur who was a witness to James Sandefur's will made in 1804 at which time she wasn't married yet.

1840 3B over 16,, 4 horses, 100 acres Canoe Creek, $700; 100 acres Green River, $200 (Mrs. Nancy Grady)
1841 2B over 16, 5 horses, 2 CH 7-17, 137 acres Green River, $374, 187 acres Canoe Creek, $935 (Ann Grady)
1842 on list
1843 3B over 16, 2 horses, 1 CH 7-17, 2 tracts+1 town lot, $571 , 317 acres Canoe Creek (Mrs. Nancy Grady)
1844 on list
1845 5B over 16,.1 CH 7-17, 147 acresCanoe Creek, $1000,1 town lot, 217acres CashCreek,$700 (Ann Grady)
1846 No Ann or Nancy Grady Listed


William J. Sandefur, 1789-90 to 1850's s/o Bennett Sr.

1810, June 1 WM over 21
1811 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1812 Illegible
1814 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $50
1816 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1817 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1818 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1819 1 WM over 21, 1 Black, 1 horse
1820 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 66 acres
1821 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $60
1822 1 WM over 21, 3 horses, $100
1823 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $75
1824 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, $1,010
1825 1 WM over 21, 1 horse
1826 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $150
1827 On Tax List
1828 1 WM over 21
1835 1 WM over 21
1842 Not copied
1843 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 4 CH 7-17, $200, 100 acres Cash Creek
1844 On List
1845 1WM over 21, 1 horse, 1 CH 7-17, $300, 100 acres Cash Creek
1847 1WM over 21, $400, 100 acres Green River
1849 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1850 1WM over 21, 3 cattle


Tandy Sandefur, ca 1790-94, s/o Bennett Sr.

1812 1 WM over 21
1813 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, 100 acres Beaver Dam
1814 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, $30
1815 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $246.50, 121 acres Sputsman
1816 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, 121 acres
1817 1 WM over 21, 1 Black, 2 horses, 121 acres
1818 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 121 acres
1819 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 118 acres
1820 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 300 acres
1821 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 121 acres Sputsman Creek, $60
1822 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $260, 120 acres Sputsman Creek
1823 1 WM over 21, 2 horses
1824 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $120
1825 1 WM over 21, 3 horses, $200
1826 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, $50
1827 On Rolls
1828 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, $40
1829 On List
1830 1 WM over 21, 1 horse, $40
1835 1 WM over 21, 1 MB over 16, 1 Black total, 3 horses, $915, 375 acres Canoe Creek
1840 1 WM over 21, 2 horses, 1 CH 7-17, $860 value tract, 431 acres Canoe Creek
1841 1 WM over 21, 4 horses, $750 v/t, 1 CH 7-17, 375 acres Canoe Creek
1843 1 WM over 21, 3 horses, 2 CH 7-17, $375 acres Canoe Creek,
1844 On list
1845 1 WM over 21, 5 horses, $700, 270 acres Canoe Creek
1847 1 WM over 21, 7 horses, 6 CH 7-17, $825, 275 acres Canoe Creek
1848 1 WM over 21, 6 horses, 4 cattle, 5 CH 5-17, $550, 275 acres Canoe Creek
1849 1 WM over 21, 6 horses, 3 cattle, 6 CH 5-17, $900, 300 acres Canoe Creek
1850 1 WM over 21, 4 horses, 7 cattle, 6 CH 5-17, $600, 200 acres Canoe Creek

ARROWBLUE.JPG (893 bytes)1850 Tandy & Shiloh Sandefur sold 205 acres to their son, Nathaniel Sandefur
ARROWBLUE.JPG (893 bytes)1850, 26 NOV Tandy & Shiloh Sandefur were in 1850 census of Jefferson Co., Arkansas


Henry C. Sandefur, 1814-1878, s/o Tandy, gs/o Bennett Sr.

1835 1WM over 21, 1 horse, $240 v/t, 140 acres
1840 1WM over 21, 6 horses, 14 cattle, $350 v/t, 144 acres Canoe Creek
1841 1WM over 21, 4 horses, 3 CH 7-17, 144 acres Sputsman Creek
1842  on list
1843 1WM over 21, 1 horse, 1 CH 7-17, $280, 140 acres Lick Creek
1844 on list
1845 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 2 CH 7-17
1847 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1848 1WM over 21, 3 horses, 5 cattle, 3 CH 7-17
1849 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 6 cattle, 4 CH 7-17
1850 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 6 cattle, 4 CH 7-17 (wife Lucy)


William Henry Sandefur, 1815-1889, s/o Tandy, gs/o Bennett Sr.

1840 1WM over 21
1841 1WM over 21
1842 on list
1843 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1844 on list
1847 1WM over 21, 3 cattle, 3 CH 7-17
1847 as gcn. John C. Walker, 100 acres Cash Creek
1848 1WM over 21, 2 cattle, 2 town lots
1848 As gdn. John C. Walker, $250, 100 acres Grove Creek
1849 1WM over 21, 3 cattle, 3 CH 7-17, 1 town lot
1850 1WM over 21, 1 cattle 1 town lot
1850 As agent for J. Boyle, 1 town lot


James Sandefur

1825 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1826 1WM over21, 1 horse, $275, 100 acres Lick Creek
1827 1WM over 21
1828 1WM over 21, 2 horses, $270, 100 acres Lick Creek
1829 on list
1835 1WM over 21, 4 horses, $320, 130 acres Sputsman Creek
1840 1WM over 21, 3 horses
1841 1WM over21, 5 horses, 4 CH 7-17,
1842 on list
1844 on list
1850 1WM over 21, 3 horses


Charles Tandy Sandefur, 1816-1890 s/o Tandy, gs/o Bennett Sr.

1840 1WM over 21, 1 cattle
1841 1WM over 21
1842 on list
1843 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 1 CH 7-17
1844 on list
1845 1WM on list 21, 1 horse, 3 CH 7-17
1847 1WM on list 21, 1 horse, 4 cattle, 4 CH 7-17
1848 1WM on list 21, 3 horses, 6 cattle, 5 CH 7-17, $750, 250 acres Canoe Creek
1849 1WM on list 21, $600, 150 acres Canoe Creek, 1 yhorse, 1 cattle, $1300, 350 acres Pond Creek
1850 1WM on list 21, 3 horses, 4 cattle, 5 CH 7-17, $1400, 350 acres Pond Creek, $700, 250 acres Canoe Creek


Nathaniel R. Sandefur, 1822-1879 s/o Tandy, gs/o Bennett Sr.

1843 1WM over 21, 2 horses, v/t $600, 200 acres Canoe Creek
1845 1WM over21, 2 horses, $600 v/t, 200 acres Canoe Creek
1847 1WM over 21, 3 horses, $400 v/t, 85 acres Sputsman Creek
1848 1WM over 21, 1 horse, $350 v/t, 85 acres Sputsman Creek
1848 Davies Cty: v/t $100, 39 acres Green River
1849 1WM over 21, 4 horses, 6 cattle, $340 v/t, 85 acres Sputsman Creek
1850 1 WM over21, 4 horses, 9 cattle, 1 CH 7-17, $350 v/t, 85 acres Sputsman Creek
1850 Davies Cty: $75, 38 acres Green River


William Allison Sandefur, 1820-1890 s/o Bennett Jr., gs/o Bennett Sr.

1843 $200, 100 acres Sputsman Creek
1845 1WM over 21, 1 horse$250, 100 acres Sputsman Creek
1847 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1848 1WM over 21, 2 horses
1849 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 2 cattle
1850 1WM over21, 2 horses, 4 ch 7-17


James Harrison Sandefur, 1823-1854 s/o Bennett Jr., gs/o Bennett Sr.

1840 1WM over 21
1847 1WM over 21, 2 horses
1849 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 3 cattle, 1 CH 7-17
1850 1 WM over 21, 3 horses, 4 cattle



Leonard Henry Sandefur, 1825-1892 s/o Bennett Jr., gs/o Bennett Sr.

1848 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1849 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1850 1WM over 21, 2 horses, 4 cattle


Bennett M. Sandefur, 1830- s/o Bennett Jr., gs/o Bennett Sr.

1850 Minor, 1 horse, 2 cattle


Samuel A. Sandefur, s/o Bennett Sr. (1804-1884)

1824 1WM over 21
1828 1WM over 21, 1 horse, $75
1840 1WM over 21, 4 CH 7-17, $200 v/t, 100 acres Sputsman Creek
1841 1WM over 21, 3 CH 7-17, $200 v/t, 100 acres Sputsman Creek
1843 1WM over 21, 4 horses, 2 CH 7-17, $400 v/t, 225 acres Sputsman Creek
1844 on list
1845 1WM over 21, 1 horse, 3 CH 7-17
1847 1WM over 21, 1 cattle
1848 1WM over 21, 1 horse, 5 CH 7-17
1849 1WM over 21, 3 CH 7-17


James Coleman Sandefur, s/o Samuel A., gs/o Bennett Sr.

1847 1 horse
1848 1WM over 21
1849 1WM over 21, 1 horse
1850 1WM over 21, 1 horse


Other Sandefur Listings:

William Sandefur

1835 1WM over 21, 2 horses, $30
1835 1WM over 21

William Sandefur Jr.

1840 1WM>21, 1 horse
1840 1WM over 21
1850 On List

Thomas Sandefur

1843 1 WM over 21

Thomas J. Sandefur

1845 1WM over 21
1847 1WM over 21
1848 1WM over 21, 1 horse

John W. Sandefur

1850 1WM over 21

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