Deed and Land Records
Bastrop County Deed Records
Vol.23, p.392: S. Texana Standifer sold a lot in Elgin to
Dr. S. S. Watson June 26, 1895
Vol. 35, p. 37: S. Texana Standifr sold a lot in Elgin to Dr. S. S. Watson June 26,
Vol. 30, p. 69: Texana
Standifer sold property to Dr. S. S. Watson September 20, 1899
Thanks, Diane!
Land Survey Abstract Indices of the Original
Landowners in Texas (Bastrop Co.)
Labor=177 acres; 1L=4,428 acres
James Standiford, Block 23, Section L23, Abstract 60
Jacob Standiferd, Section 15, Abstract 302
William Standiferd, Section 13, Abstract 301
Deed Record Book 26; p. 340-342
This important deed provides evidence for the children of Anderson and Elizabeth
Standifer. It was located in the DAR records for the revolutionary soldier, Benjamin
The copy of this deed (in my possession) was notarized
September 5, 1969 on request of Ruth Marian (Mrs. Ernest H.) Nelson,
who was applying for membership to the DAR.
"The following is condensed information contained in an Exporte Affidavit and proof of heirship to 554 acres of land in the Elizabeth Standifer League, by Jacob L. Standifer, dated November 27, 1897, Bastrop Co., TX. Deed Record Book 26, p. 340-342
The land described lies 21/2 miles Southwest of Elgin, Texas and 15 miles from Bastrop, Texas. Which land does lay within the South Half of the original Elizabeth Standifer League.
Quoting from his sworn statement:
"Before me the undersigned authority on this day personally appeared Jacob Standifer, who after being by me first duly sworn upon oath deposes and says: My name is Jacob Standifer, I am now eighty-three years of age, I live in Bastrop County, TX, about two and one half miles south west of Elgin and about fifteen mles from the town of Bastrop. I have resided in the State of Texas over fifty years and in Bastrop County over forty years. I knew Anderson Standifer and Elizabeth Standifer, they were husband and wife and my parents. My father Anderson Standifer died intestate in the State of Illinois in 1820 and left surviving him, my mother Elizabeth Standifer, was granted title by the Government to a League of land which was located in Bastrop County, Texas, the same being League No. 24 as fully appears from official map of Bastrp[ County, Texas and map or plat and diagram of said land hereto attached, and marked "Exhibit A" for identification.
My sister Sarah E. Litton was married to one John Litton in 1834. On the 18th day of April 1838 my mother Elizabeth Standifer joined by my brothers James Standifer, William Standifer, myself and my brother-in-law John Litton conveyed the North half of the League of Land, granted to my mother by the Govrnment to one Michael Young for services rendered in securing and fixing up the title papers to the land, as fully appears from Deeds Records, a Bastrop County, Texas.
In 1838 soon after the conveyance of the North half of the league to Michael Young as above state, my mother Elizabeth Standifer died intestate and left surviving her as her sole surviving heirs four children viz: James Standifer, William Standifer, myself and my sister Sarah E. Litton, whose husband, John Litton was then living. The south half of the league granted to my mother Elizabeth Standifer descended by inheritance to me and my two brothers and sister unencumbered on the death of our mother and in the fall of 1838, Wm. Standifer, John Standifer, myself and sister Sarah E. Litton, joined by her husband John Litton got together and agreed to have the South half of the league surveyed and cut up in four equal parts and each one of the four heirs was by the agreement to have alloted to him or her one of the four subdivisions and receive the same as his or her share and interest in this particular inheritance. By and in pursuance of this agreement made and entered into by and between myself, James Standifer, William Standifer and my sister Sarah E. Litton, who was joined by her husband John Litton, we employed as surveyor, one, Wilbarger to survey the half league and cut it up into four tracts of 554 acres each as fully set forth in map and plat of said half league hereto attached and marked "Exhibit A" for identification. By agreement and mutual consent of all interested parties I was alloted and accepted tract No. 1 or the subdivision and adjoining Michael Young's half league on the South, as my part of the land and in full satisfaction of my interest in this inheritance. My sister, Mrs. S. E. Litton was alloted and she and her husband both accepted tract No. 2 on the subdivision adjoining my tract on the South in full satisfation of my sisters interest in this inheritance, as fully set out on the accompanying map or plat of the half league. My brother James Standifer was alloted and accepted tract No. 3 on the subdivision adjoining my sister on the South as his share of the land full satisfaction of all his interest in this inheritance. My brother Wm. Standifer was alloted and accepted tract No. 4 on the subdivision adjoining the James Standifer tract on the South as his share of the inheritance and in full satisfaction of his share in this league of land. We were all satisified with this partition and each and every one of us took possession of the particular tract or parcel of land, set apart to each heir in and by this division, and my sister Sarah E. Litton and her husband John Litton from and after the year 1838 always paid taxes on subdivision No 2 and they, their heirs and assigns have claimed and oned and held peacible adverse possession of the same since 1838.
In 1856 my brother in law John Litton died and left surviving him as his sole surviving heirs, my sister Sarah E. Litton and six children vis: J. L. Litton, John T. Litton, J. H. Litton, Wm. Litton, Jennie Litton. and L. A. Litton. In 1893, my sister Sarah E. Litton died intestate and left as her sole survivor heirs her six children: J. L. Litton, John T. Litton, J. H. Litton, Wm. Litton, Jennie Litton and L. A. Litton. In 1890 L. A. Litton died intestate and left surviving him as his sole surviving heirs, Salina Litton, his wife, and three children viz: Ruth Litton, Leona Litton, and Lee H. Litton
Signed: Jacob L. Standifer
Sworn and subscribed before me this 27th day of November 1897. Walter Keeble, Norary Public, Bastrop Co., TX
From Abstracts of the Original Title of Record
in the General Land Office with an introduction by Mary Lewis Ulmer:
*Contributed by Gladys Sandefur.
p. 42: Name of Grantee: James Standifer
Date of Title:
November 8, 1832
1 League
Where Situtated: Five
leagues No. of Bastrop, joins 21.
Name of Grantee: Elizabeth
Date of Title:
November 8, 1832
1 League
Where Situated:
Colorado, E side, joins J. Standifer
Land Survey Abstract Indices of the Original
Landowners in Texas (Bastrop Co.)
Labor=177 acres; 1L=4,428 acres
Thomas Standifer, Section 1166, Abstract 870
From Abstracts of the Original Title of Record
in the General Land Office with an introduction by Mary Lewis Ulmer:
*Contributed by Gladys Sandefur.
p. 41: Name of Grantee: Marmaduke Sandifer
Date of Title:
April 18, 1831
1 League
Where Situated:
Navidad, W. Side, Gonzales' Crossing
Index to Deed
Book "A:
Standefer, M. R., November 9. 1847
Standefer, M. R., January 4, 1850
Standefer, R. R., July 27, 1846
Standifer, M. R., Sheriff, January 14, 1847
Standifer, Moses, September 14, 1856