Will of Israel Skelton
Baltimore County:
of Israel Skelton: Maryland Wills Book 1, p. 67; film GS013590; will dated Feb. 15,
1706 and was probated August 13, 1706.
(This Will is important because it establishes early Standiford relationships. Note that he names only one male heir).
Note: An index to Early Settlers, Lib. 27, folio 411 lists Skelton, Israel on the list of passengers aboard the ship "Constant Friendship" in 1673.
Last Will and Testament of Israel Skelton - 1706 Baltimore, County, Maryland In the Name of God, Amen. I, Israel Skelton of Baltimore County, planter, being sick and weak in body but of perfect memory and understanding (praised be the Lord for it) do make and ordain this as my last will and testament as followeth: Imprimis: I bequeath my soul unto God that gave it, humbly beseeching Him to accept it through the merit and satisfaction of His Well Beloved Son and my Gracious Redeemer, and my body to the ground there to rest until general resurrection at the end of the world. Item: I give and bequeath unto my early beloved wife, Mary Skelton, a tract of land and plantation which I now do live upon called by the name of Spring Neck together with all routes and appurtenances thereunto belonging to be fully and wholly profited and enjoyed by her, my aforesaid wife, Mary, without interruption or molestation during the term of her natural life. Item: I give and bequeath to my grandson, Skelton Standefer, by my daughter Margaret Standefer, and his heirs, the aforesaid land and plantation called Spring Neck after the decease of my said wife, Mary, leaving it at the discretion of his father or mother or both which living, to sell or dispose of the same any other way as they shall judge it convenient for him, my said grandson's advantage during his minority. Item: I will and bequeath it, if my aforesaid grandson Skelton Standefer should chance to die without issue, then my daughter, Margaret Standefer and her heirs after her decease (whether they be lineally or collaterally descended from her) shall succeed in the inheritance of all my land and estate given and bequeathed to her and her heirs forever. Item: I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife, Mary Skelton, all my goods, chattels, or movables, during her natural life; and to my daughters, Margaret Standefer and Hannah York, after my said wife's decease then to be divided into three equal portions, whereof I give two to my daughter Margaret and the remaining part to my other daughter Hannah. Item: I will and ordain it, if my aforesaid wife, Mary, should hereafter viz (namely) after my decease enter again into wedlock or matrimony, then she shall claim and inherit only her third part of all my estate and no more. Item: I make and ordain my aforesaid wife, Mary, sole executrix of this my last will and testament qualifying her to ask, sue for, and receive all debts, accounts, and demands due to me from any person and also to satisfy and discharge all debts and accounts due from me to others. Thus, I do hereby revoke and disannul all other wills and testaments formerly made by me. (Signed) Israel Skelton Given under my hand and seal on the 24th day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and six and in the fifth year of the reign of our sovereign Lady Queen Anne. Signed and Sealed and delivered in the presence of us: Queen Anne. Signatures: John Evans, William Hicks, James Hitt. |
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